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Prop guards for the Inspire

I'm really starting to get very nervous when flying the Inspire with birds taking runs at it. I wonder, if these guards would give a small added advantage if you have a run in with a bird. I know it would not be 100%, but a bird flying straight in from the side into a prop is probably 100% going to take the Inspire down. Where as, if the bird would hit the guard first and just push the Inspire to the side but not hit the props, there is a good chance for a recovery. If the bird comes down from above, all bets are off.

I guess, even if there is a 25% increase change of a non-fatal contact that may be worth it to have the guards.
I would agree I have a ver aggressive seagull that dive bombs mine all the time. Then he flew under the drone and now seems to like getting hit by the prop wash. But he comes down at the white body with his feet out to knock it down as he can't see the props. So I painted a bit of white paint on the tips of the props like on a airplane and it seems to help his see the props....
I've seen very aggressive seagulls, but this is totally expected. The Inspire1, in its striking Black and White colors and tapered fuselage design looks a LOT LIKE A BALD EAGLE, the hated enemy of all Seagulls!

Bald Eagles (here in the Pacific NW they've made a great comeback and are all along the coastal forest ranges from S Oregon to Vancouver Island and around Seattle in the Sound), especially in the Spring, just love to fly along over seagull nesting areas and pick off their young chicks for breakfast. Upon seeing an Inspire 1 gulls up here will immediately become agitated. I landed my Inspire back in March near Waldport OR, on an early morning flight, when the back bay's 200+ resident gulls began to cry out, and flew into the air circling a stationery I1 at about 150 feet of altitude. After landing those crazy gulls did not quiet down for a good 10 minutes!

Mine was crashed by a seagull. They bombed me from above. I have many seagulls where I live. Wish I have prop guards that protect every angle.
I think he was talking about a design that would protect the props from bird strikes from all angels. As he said he lost his Inspire to a seagull from above. These guards will not protect from that. I still bought a pair in the hopes it may prevent an attach from the side.

Correct. It's a good idea.
That bites,

I heard that they think the Inspire looks like a bald eagle and they attack them. I have had one particular gull attacking mine instigating others join in. So I am staying away from seagulls until I get a skin. Not sure prop guards would help as they attacks from above with their feet stretched out trying to hit the main white body.
First post here. Found these interesting. I did the quick math since it says that each prop guard is .06kg ~ 0.132277 lbs. Thus 4 prop guards add over half a pound ~ 0.529 lbs. Not super significant but still added weight. Has anyone noticed any "difference" if you've used them on an Inspire?
Just weighed mine. Your estimate is pretty much dead on. I got 0.5115 lbs with the guards and the Velcro straps. 0.4944 with out the straps. I haven't yet flown with them, but hope to in the next few days.

First post here. Found these interesting. I did the quick math since it says that each prop guard is .06kg ~ 0.132277 lbs. Thus 4 prop guards add over half a pound ~ 0.529 lbs. Not super significant but still added weight. Has anyone noticed any "difference" if you've used them on an Inspire?
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Just weighed mine. Your estimate is pretty much dead on. I got 0.5115 lbs with the guards and the Velcro straps. 0.4944 with out the straps. I haven't yet flown with them, but hope to in the next few days.

Awesome. Its probably within the standard deviation of acceptance that the weights are slightly off. Also, your scale might be slightly off? Who knows, but regardless, let us know what you feel in terms of control. Would be cool for you to do a few maneuvers w/o the prop guards on and then replicate the same maneuvers with them on.
Excess weight will effect the decent ratios such that the decent may exceed the drones ability to over come it's own down wash resulting in an uncontrolled and unrecoverable situation when descending in a vertical column. Should the event of an uncontrolled decent occur the only recoverable metrology is to attempt to fly horizontally to get out of the prop wash. I would be curious to know how controllable the descents are with an added .5 pound.
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Does anyone know of DJI will honour the warranty on the aircraft if I removed the existing screws to fix the guards?
Excess weight will effect the decent ratios such that the decent may exceed the drones ability to over come it's own down wash resulting in an uncontrolled and unrecoverable situation when descending in a vertical column. Should the event of an uncontrolled decent occur the only recoverable metrology is to attempt to fly horizontally to get out of the prop wash. I would be curious to know how controllable the descents are with an added .5 pound.
I have about 600 - 700g slung under mine,
I have noticed the decent to be okay, I can still full stick down after about 10 mins of flight, but I do always try to decend diagonally to avoid prop wash, so maybe thats why.

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