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PSA: Only one firmware file at a time on SD Card

May 20, 2015
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PSA: The Inspire One does not like two firmware files on the card at the same time. Save yourself some time and make sure only one exists...redundant.JPG
Sorry it didn't seem obvious to me because I never encountered it. It is just one more thing to not do. I consider myself lucky that they even printed the reason.
No worries.

The main issue is when you boot up the AC, by default, it looks for the *bin file in the root directory of the sd card. This is why you want a empty sd card with only the bin file.

If it find that there are bin files it probably rejects the update and give you the error message.
I wouldn't. I would rather have as basic as it could be simply because it is the firmware. The operating instructions of the craft and you want to get those instruction word for word, sequence by sequence. No interference or no conflicting packets.
I don't disagree about conflicts. If the Controller can tell you that the firmware is not up to date, why can't it (1) Download the Firmware and (2) Give you the option of updating it, and (3) Give you firmware update progress right from the $500 controller of a $3000 device? Putting firmware on a SD card seems like a step back from plugging your Phantom in your laptop to upgrade the firmware.
If the Controller can tell you that the firmware is not up to date, why can't it (1) Download the Firmware and (2) Give you the option of updating it, and (3) Give you firmware update progress right from the $500 controller of a $3000 device?
That complexity would introduce multiple extra potential failure points. Not really what you want when the current, simple process is already known to occasionally fail...

The update progress on the app worked for me the times I had the controller on... except those where the firmware of the link components was being upgraded too of course, can't communicate when the communication equipment is being flashed, reciprocally the flashing process can't be dependent on communication.

BTW, it's right there in the upgrade manual that only one file should be present on the card at a time.
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I like it on The SD as I missed a battery once and was able to update in the middle of BFE.

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