Those "many articles" apply to batteries that don't have a battery management circuitry like DJI batteries have. The shutdown point on those is much higher than where damage appears.
That is false information, based on nothing but pure speculation.
I would ask you for proof of this "wish" but there is none for you to supply.
It's so easy to type words on the internet isn't it
What Chip posted is fact based on 15years of research.
Your "smart batteries" Kilrah are actually dumb as a rock.
They have no logic at all, just a balancing board added to them.
If DJI didn't supply the pack with such weak wattage the pack would puff up faster than a first generation Hobby King lipo.
And for the guys who keep preaching, "read the manual, it is gospel" that is just terrible and very selfish advice. There have been MANY mistakes in the manual, (and that's why it get's updated online).
For those of you who like to drain their packs down to zero, I laugh in your general direction every time you start a new thread, "My New Pack Is Bricked" - bahah