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Titan antenna

Like their atlas and conquer antenna
Haven’t used either one. There’s a member on here that uses their command case and is real impressed with it. I use an itelite on my controller and it works quite well on stock power. Can go up and over a hill a little ways and still carry a good signal. Getting in behind trees kills it pretty quick tho unless at a closer range. Was thinking of also doing an amped setup but just might wait till they get the whole 4g network connection down pat and go that route.
I have the atlas on my inspire 1 controller.

very heavy. good thing about it compared to the cyclone is that the whip antennas are removable so you can just fly them with just the whip antennas and not use the boosted panel.
I have the atlas on my inspire 1 controller.

very heavy. good thing about it compared to the cyclone is that the whip antennas are removable so you can just fly them with just the whip antennas and not use the boosted panel.
What's Ur thoughts on increased range? Overall opinion of the panel?
The range on the stock controller is good enough. Unless you're flying in a highly populated area or going for a record distance then i dont think it is necessary

Although, I have definitly noticed a clearer image feed, less cut outs (black and green screens), increased range but haven't pushed it to its max limit

The atlas weighs just under 600grams without the mounts. so imagine 600 grams hanging off the end of your controller - plus im using an ipad so it gets pretty heavy.

I mainly just fly with the whips, and use the panel when i fly in a highly populated area or in the bush as an extra precaution.
Not going for really long range, just want reliability. I do a lot of country flying, lots of trees. U notice any difference with the titan whips instead of stock?
reliability was the main reason i brought it too.

the whips are slightly better than the stock. May be due to the fact the titan antenna cables that replace the stock ones are a lot better quality too.

Running the whips is not amped/boosted though.
I know. I like the whole idea of the quick connects and the ability to run boosted or not.
Does anyone have a titan antenna system for your I1?
I just finished 5 flights with the Atlas. I took it out to 2800 ft away with perfect reception. I know that is not a big deal but you also need to know the conditions. New Jersey pine barrens with super dense trees on average 50 to 60ft tall. I was rarely able to do a lower flight, say 120ft high without losing signal at about 1500ft away. So to achieve 2800 under the same conditions and hold full bars made me very happy with the performance. The other thing I noticed was my Ipad mini 4 was not lagging or getting green screen. hope this was a fix and not just a coincidence as I did not really want to invest in a crystalsky
Does anyone have a titan antenna system for your I1?

I have a Cyclone antenna that I use with my I1 pro. I've flown in an area that is heavily congested with wifi and cell towers. Previously I could go no further than 2300ft with sketchy picture. After upgrading to the Cyclone I was able to fly 7700ft with one short dropout at the end. Yes, I know, I was beyond line of sight. I don't plan on doing it again but I wanted to see if the difference in antennas is noticeable. It is. As a result I feel confident that I will be able to fly in just about any area within legal range and not worry about a flyaway due to loss of signal.
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