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Ultrasonic systems error

Apr 13, 2015
Reaction score
Roanoke, VA
Upgraded today and the new go app is nice. On third flight I am getting ultrasonic systems error, please land as soon as possible. Anyone seen this one?
Same sht happened to me. Updated firmaware today, and after after 2nd flight got a message ultrasonic system error
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This just happened to me.
I have all firmware fully updated, battery updated as well. Just calibrated IMU & Compass and was about to take off from a stationary point beachside (yes I have a landing pad.) No where near any power lines or anything that would've thrown it off. Had the open ocean on 1 side and some houses on the other. Moments before powering on the motors, I got the error message "Ultrasonic System Error." Is something to really worry about? Should I not fly at all for now? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Got the same error but I was about 8 minutes of flight, 200 ft up at 800 ft out.
An error like that tends to convince you to land the bird now! so I did.
The error hasn't come back and that was several dozen flights ago.
Got the same error but I was about 8 minutes of flight, 200 ft up at 800 ft out.
An error like that tends to convince you to land the bird now! so I did.
The error hasn't come back and that was several dozen flights ago.

Thanks, that makes me feel a little more confident with future flights.
....experienced Ultrasonic Systems Failure....landing gear could not drop....forced to land without gear down....

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