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v1.0 of iOS app

Aug 7, 2013
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Blade Strike - as you are using/testing v1.0 of the iOS app could you please furnish the forum with an update as to expected availability/release?

There must be dialogue between yourselves/DJI/Apple.

Can we have current state of play please?
As Ed has mentioned they have the v1.0 iOS app. Ed and Blade do not have a release date for this. Nor does DJI. Current state is as it's been for weeks. You'd have more luck emailing Apple and asking them.
So is it software or MFI approval that DJI are waiting for? Or both?

Sorry - I do not accept that there is no information available on this. People (the public) will put up with an awful lot of crap providing they are told what is going on in a clear & honest fashion. Delays and problems are a way of life (although we know now that this one was all DJI's own making in violating the Enterprise agreement/license) but the company that caused the problem in the first place should have the common courtesy to keep it's customers informed.
When I spoke to Apple App Dev on Thursday (2/5/14), they said the most recent app submitted by DJI was denied. (They didn't give a reason.) I told them I was an end-user with the following scenario:
a: return the ipad air 2 due to lack of iOS support, and go to Android, or,
b: wait for iOS support since I think the hardware is the better choice for this application.

The Apple rep understood the quagmire, but referred me back to DJI. They indicated that DJI could continue to work towards approval and each "review" is "several days by the Apple App team"... not weeks or months.

IF Apple takes a hard stance that "no video on usb", I don't see how DJI will get around it unless Apple waives it. Unfortunately, in this instance, it's harder to ask for forgiveness than permission it seems. (Since Apple holds all the cards to App Store distribution)

I'm still hanging on to the ipad, even if I only use it as a second controller monitor. I'm really happy with the display quality.

As with anything electronic... subject to change!
So what about Duet Display, which indeed uses video over USB? Sure, it's made from ex-Apple engineers, so there might be some nepotism there, but there is precedent.
well there must be something different going on here (coding) or way it transfers signal or definition of video, not screen ??? then we know. Since specifically in the guidelines apple states to developers no VIDEO OVER USB to ipad or any ios device.

and this would be the first precedent set for any rule brake that they have allowed and not let others. or changed the rules
Absoutely nowhere in the posted Apple app guidelines do I see that as stated. Wonder why people always bring that as argument.
USB is there, data can be transferred through it, what that data is is nobody's business as long as it doesn't compromise the system.
The Duet app is one thing, but there are also several TV dongles for iOS that obviously stream video without issues.
Blade Strike - as you are using/testing v1.0 of the iOS app could you please furnish the forum with an update as to expected availability/release?

There must be dialogue between yourselves/DJI/Apple.

Can we have current state of play please?

Doesn't it seem there is some political reason for the delay. With the appearance of Duet (which is a really useful tool) there is no issue about 'illegality'. What is 'illegal' about transferring video over USB? The poster 'Haze' has been on multiple forums repeating the point that DJI has violated Apple's sacrosanct rules. Well, one such 'rule' was 'Steve decided that iPhones should not be much bigger than the form factor used for the iPhone 4. About $20 billion in revenue later, Apple has realised that some rules are meant to change with the times.

If you are genuine in seeking to get the App 1.0 to users then, please, don't draw attention to DJI's seeming impotence in this matter. Instead, please contribute to a petition to Apple to take customer interests into consideration. After all, many people get iPads for the Inspire.
Do you see ANy program other the Duet that allows video pass through to the ipad cause i dont. like i said i dont know how duet is doing this. but there are no dvd players to ipad playback no vhs to ipad playabck no laserdisc to ipad playback, do you see anyone using their ipad as their tv hooked up to cable via HDMI and usb no cause the signal only outputs not inputs ? noNE no programs allow it so hmmmmmmm.
Of course, you really didn't look very far. http://www.tivizen.com/usb-dongle.html
It's been out for ages and works with pretty much all iOS devices. There are other similar products too.

LOOK again its there.

im not making it up.
Then your turn to point me to it, cause I can't find it. Until then, as he says...

The poster 'Haze' has been on multiple forums repeating the point that DJI has violated Apple's sacrosanct rules.

your repeated posts about it are just full of BS.

My idea for DJI is to say to hell with apple enterprise agreement and leave the agreement.
apple cant stop them from getting apps on the ipad by side load
Wrong again. If they got out (or were booted off) from the enterprise program then sideloading wouldn't be possible anymore and jailbreak would be the only solution. So while the current situation is not ideal it does allow anyone with any iOS version to use the app. Not too bad really, could be worse.
And after all this...... I go back to my original post.

WHAT is the current situation with getting the app approved? Someone in Apple is in communication with somebody in DJI.
There is a project - The project is to get Apple's approval for both the software and the MFI approval for hardware.

So - where are we then with this project:

  • DJI have sat down and had a cup of tea but not really thought about contacting Apple yet? or.....

  • Both software and hardware have been approved and certified by Apple and we are just waiting for it to be loaded onto Apples/DJI's servers and will be available in a few minutes for the world to download?

My guess is we must be somewhere in between those two statements yes? So where are we? It really isn't rocket science guys.... It's just a simple matter of communication.

Notice Blade and Ed have been conspicuous by their absence in this thread even though they have been asked to comment.
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Of course, you really didn't look very far. http://www.tivizen.com/usb-dongle.html
It's been out for ages and works with pretty much all iOS devices. There are other similar products too.

Then your turn to point me to it, cause I can't find it. Until then, as he says...

your repeated posts about it are just full of BS.

Wrong again. If they got out (or were booted off) from the enterprise program then sideloading wouldn't be possible anymore and jailbreak would be the only solution. So while the current situation is not ideal it does allow anyone with any iOS version to use the app. Not too bad really, could be worse.

for the love of god just go look im not here to school you on apple guidelines its there its been there since ios developer program came around in what 08/09... FFS call apple if you really want the answer they will plainly tell you that its not allowed..... im not going to walk you through it..

oh and your little http://www.tivizen.com/usb-dongle.html is a wireless antenna not a wired video input 2 very very different things... lol look some more

Just want to point out that the dongle is a TV receiver that works by decoding and sending the MPEG video and audio stream into an iPhone/iPad. That's digital video input by definition.

These guys did it by going through the Apple MFi certification process and the Apple app submission process. I'm speculating that DJI will need to do the same in order for their hardware and software to be certified before it goes into the App Store.
....These guys did it by going through the Apple MFi certification process and the Apple app submission process. I'm speculating that DJI will need to do the same in order for their hardware and software to be certified before it goes into the App Store.

Precisely! Which is what I'm getting at above guys. Now...... where are we in that process? (See my post above).
for the love of god just go look im not here to school you on apple guidelines
Actually, in this case I'd say you are. You made a claim, which puts the burden on you to provide an up-to-date link or scan of this clause to back it up. It may have been there in 2008 or 2009, but the question is whether the recent agreements state the same.
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Precisely! Which is what I'm getting at above guys. Now...... where are we in that process? (See my post above).
Unfortunately, I don't think you're going to get an answer from anyone who visits this forum unless/until it's been approved. Maybe you can get an answer out of Eric Cheng. I'm not sure if even he would have that knowledge or ability to find out.
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Unfortunately, I don't think you're going to get an answer from anyone who visits this forum unless/until it's been approved. Maybe you can get an answer out of Eric Cheng. I'm not sure if even he would have that knowledge or ability to find out.

However, I'm going to to assume that Frank Wang does - That's my next email!
Actually, in this case I'd say you are. You made a claim, which puts the burden on you to provide an up-to-date link or scan of this clause to back it up. It may have been there in 2008 or 2009, but the question is whether the recent agreements state the same.

i dont need to walk you through reading the guide lines apple has stated it so many fing times to developers its sad people like you dont believe it. do you think im trying to troll you??/

also read about the enterprise agreement rules. DJI BROKE THEM 100%....

you think i bought an inspire just so i can come on this forum and say no video in on my ipad>?????????? like wtf....
i dont need to walk you through reading the guide lines apple has stated it so many fing times to developers its sad people like you dont believe it. do you think im trying to troll you??

Maybe you don't need to, but we're asking you to. People are just asking for proof of a claim.

I too have read many individuals posting on forums that Apple doesn't allow video in, which I'll admit, when posted en masse gives the impression that it is truth. However, I haven't seen the Apple contract or T&C that clearly outlines that the company of Apple does not allow it. Logic seems to suggest that it most certainly does outline this rule somewhere, otherwise I suspect there would be many more apps with the video-in feature. However, if you pompously declare that it is fact, while simultaneously denying to provide documentation or resource for your claim, then it discredits you and your claim.

Furthermore, your childish banter, poor grammar, and behavior in general gives a poor impression to all readers here. Never forget, the internet is forever. You might want to remove your affiliations with Clear Sky Studios from your account, including that logo as your avatar. I know if I Googled CSS as a potential business partner and happened upon any of your drivel I would take it as a direct representation of Clear Sky Studios' thoughts, personality, and intellect; absolutely avoid.
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