Whats Your Profession

Feb 1, 2015
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When people ask me what I do for a living I always answer in a different way- aerial media,drone pilot etc

What do you tell people( non clients and in general conversation) when they ask you what do you do for a living.

Looking forward to a few answers (serious and not so serious)
Reactions: v.dippoliti
Well my full time position I am a certified street trash collector however I am not your garbage man.

When discussing the sUAS business I am a Aerial Media Pilot.
Reactions: tweaker
Commercial Aerial Photographer and UAS Instructor.
When my wife asks me this (she quit trying quite a few years ago), my answer is always too complicated. I just say "watch the movie "Buckaroo Banzai", "Too Big to Fail", "The Social Network", "Air America", and merge 'em, and yep, that all's pretty much what I do"... she just rolls her eyes.
FAA Certified Drone Pilot
Or depending on the venue
Will that be Paper or Plastic!