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X5 problem

This looks more like your gimbal lost calibration somehow, or the magnetic encoders have moved and are now out of sync. Same thing happens to the X3 when I changed the head and it would respond just like this. Both share similar hardware. You can try adjusting the magnets by carefully rotating them a little at a time, but this is finicky and doesn't always work especially if the actual calibration data is lost or corrupted. You will spend HOURS or even DAYS trying to get it right. I have mine close but not perfect and it's still nearly unusable. When I try to adjust it closer it starts bugging out again, simply doesn't work at all, or the gimbals shutdown from overload and get hot even though the gimbal is not tight. The little magnets are barely held in there and will sometimes move or fall off the nut they are supposed to be attached to. Mark everything and take lots of pictures as you disassemble and only change one at a time if you do mess with it. Adjusting one effects the others so it's a real pain to get any one of them right because adjust another will throw it out of wack. More than likely you only have one that is out of adjustment and it looks like it might be the pitch. You will probably pull your hair out doing this.

I've been trying to find a way to do the calibration in software but with no luck. It's almost as if the factory calibration part of the firmware isn't included at all and must be done externally compared to other drones which has the capability built in. Thread here on the subject: HOW TO: Calibrate Zenmuse X3 gimbal - guide

The only other option is to send it to DJI for however much $$$ they charge to 'repair' it. As for the calibration accessible through the APP and what I've been able to get it to do with a USB cable, it's as if it's a placebo calibration as it appears to change NOTHING.

Good luck! And let us know if you find anything about this.
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Looks like connection problem. The pins or the flex cables have to be fixed. The magnetic pole nut controls only where's the center of the pan so I think this should be removed from the equation.
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Looks like connection problem. The pins or the flex cables have to be fixed. The magnetic pole nut controls only where's the center of the pan so I think this should be removed from the equation.
It's possible, but believe me when I say that I had the EXACT same symptoms after changing the head on my X3 where it wouldn't respond unless I moved the head to a certain position. I thought I had a bad cable at first even though it was good before I changed the head. Turns out if the encoders aren't seeing the correct orientation of the magnets it shuts the whole thing down presumably to prevent damage. What tipped me off was sometimes it would simply thrash around like it was having a seizure. Don't let it do this, hold it still if you have to or it will break things like on mine. I had to take the yaw portion apart and fix the mechanical stops after this.
It's possible, but believe me when I say that I had the EXACT same symptoms after changing the head on my X3 where it wouldn't respond unless I moved the head to a certain position. I thought I had a bad cable at first even though it was good before I changed the head. Turns out if the encoders aren't seeing the correct orientation of the magnets it shuts the whole thing down presumably to prevent damage. What tipped me off was sometimes it would simply thrash around like it was having a seizure. Don't let it do this, hold it still if you have to or it will break things like on mine. I had to take the yaw portion apart and fix the mechanical stops after this.
Did you had a picture freezeing too, like in the video of the op? Because when I had to adjust magnet nut on mine I only had problems with the motors not engaging or some shaking and never had the picture to freeze. Picture feed was flawles whatever I do with the gimbal.
Did you had a picture freezeing too, like in the video of the op? Because when I had to adjust magnet nut on mine I only had problems with the motors not engaging or some shaking and never had the picture to freeze. Picture feed was flawles whatever I do with the gimbal.
Come to think of it I wasn't really paying attention. 🤷‍♂️

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