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zenmuse x3

  1. CoreySnipes

    ALL SOLD - Selling Inspire 1 equipment - X3, Z3, X5, other accessories (Updated Nov 21)

    UPDATED November 21 - EVERYTHING IS SOLD I appreciate the advice and support I've gotten from everyone here over the years. I'll leave the price list here for the historians. TB47/48 batteries - US$ 75/85 ea Z3 cameras (1) - US$ 169/ea X3 cameras (1) - US$ 129/ea X5 vibration absorption...
  2. M

    DJI Inspire 1 for Sale

    Refurbished DJI Inspire 1 for sale. The drone had an ESC error when I bought it. The seller told me it was the front right (as you look at the drone) motor/ESC board that was the problem. I ended up swapping out all four motors and ESC boards. Outcome = No ESC Error. The drone can be seen flying...
  3. Four K Videos

    SOLD: Lightly used DJI Inspire 1v2 PRO drone & 6 TB48 batteries - $1,595 - Rhode Island, USA

    Hey everyone, thanks for looking at my Inspire 1 PRO! I've upgraded to the I2 X5S, so it's time to pass it off to a new owner. This was my second Inspire 1 PRO that I had as a backup. I rarely flew it unless I had jobs where we needed several drones in the air at a time. It has never been...
  4. D

    Why does my inspire 1 Zenmuse x3 camera/gimbal do this?

    Right when I turn it on the gimbal starts going crazy and spins everywhere and the camera starts looking down?
  5. D

    Disconnecting Zenmuse x3 from arm/gimbal

    Hello! I bought a new camera head since the one that I have isn’t working and am taking apart the camera head from the gimbal and was wondering how to do this last part? Please help :(
  6. M

    Firmware out of sync, No video transmition signal. Need Advice!!

    Hello! About a year ago I ran into issues upgrading firmware. After update and then further troubleshooting, the camera gave error “No Video Transmission Signal...” and screen is black (like I’ve seen others describe in this forum in the past). All other functions seem to work just fine...
  7. C

    Looking for Suggestion on the best way to fix this x3 board .. parts dont seem to be available

    maybe someone has got a spare board for sale .
  8. C


    For sale is my LIKE NEW DJI Osmo w/ Zenmuse X3 and an additional 2 extra DJI intelligent batteries. The camera was only used ONCE during a 3 day trip to San Francisco. Other than that it has been in storage. Wasn't a big fan of it and just purchased the new Osmo Pocket. Comes with all original...
  9. Presman

    Inspire 1 v2

    This is an inspire 1 v2. It is broken. I bought this drone for photography and never got to use it for that before a bird knocked it out of the sky. There is a list of repairs. I'm selling this as either a part out or all together. The drone is actually still in good shape. If someone cleaned it...
  10. N

    Gimbal Startup Issues.

    Hi! I have very recently bought an Inspire 1 v2.0 with a Zenmuse X3 gimbal and a Zenmuse XT thermal camera. The drone flies without a problem, but any camera I attach to it seems to move erraticaly on startup, and does not respond to any movement or calibration command I send to any of them. I...
  11. Linuxglobal

    HOW TO: Calibrate Zenmuse X3 gimbal - guide

    Hi Guys, A little summary from my weekend, decided to craft up a how to guide on fixing your crashed or out of sync gimbals. If you guys have a gimbal that will not power up or acts up, this how to may help you. MODS please move to appropriate area if this discussion is in the wrong place...
  12. S

    Zenmuse x3 camera and gimbal not responding

    Hi all, I recently purchased an used Inspire 1v1 without camera. I bought a Zenmuse x3 camera but when I install the camera neither the camera and gimbal works. I don't have the firmware information with me but I know the RC have the latest firmware (will ad this information later). I...
  13. P

    Inspire 1 PARTS !

    Help me get rid of this stuff. Shoot me offers in USD left and right complete arm assemblies- I have multiples 90$ I also have several arm tubes the long straight piece the motors actually mount to for sale 50$ compass' etc, lemme know what you need, I'm sure I have it. also, have an x3...
  14. S

    Inspire 1's for sale plus extras

    Updated as one of the inspires sold so there is only one left and lots of extras! ________________________________________________________________________ Everything is in great condition and explained below. Costs are listed for each item or for everything together. If you contacted me...
  15. Leonardolb

    Zenmuse X3 rolling beyond horizon line

    Hello guys and gals... I'm with an issue with my Zenmuse X3, as you can see in the videos, it is rolling beyond the limit to align with the horizon. It started with this behavior on the 7th flight after I updated to the last firmware v01.11.01.50 (X3) (followed by all calibrations, IMU, Gimbal...
  16. R

    Help with getting high-res stills from Inspire 1 + Zenmuse X3 setup

    Hello all, hoping someone can assist, I have just got a second-hand Inspire 1 v2.0 with Zenmuse X3, my main drone until now has been the Phantom 4. (Quick aside: I am blown away by the stability of the Inspire platform compared to the Phantom. Now I have flown the Inspire I am not sure I ever...
  17. D

    Inspire 1 For Sale!!! Zenmuse X3 Camera,3 Batteries, Custom Wrap

    Hi guys. I'm selling my inspire that I had for some time now. I don't have the time to fly it so I gotta sell it. Here's the EBay listing : DJI Inspire 1 4K Combo Upgraded,Vinyl Wrap,Custom, Zenmuse X3 Camera | eBay. Also if you wanna save money on shipping and save me money on eBay fees you...
  18. A

    BRAND NEW: DJI Zenmuse X3 gimble and camera unit (Inspire 1 Variant)

    Price: $400 USD Location: Dallas, TX, USA Brand NEW, never used DJI Zenmuse X3 gimbal and camera unit. I borrowed a DJI Inspire from a friend and accidentally crashed it. The only thing that survived the crash was his camera, so I purchased a new Inspire to replace the one I broke, but held on...
  19. T

    Zenmuse x3 Gimbal not initialising

    So yesterday I thought it would be good to get my Inpsire 1 out of its box after a flightless winter. Batteries charged I was good to go! On take off the landing gear didn't raise so I tried to do it manually but no response, I wanted to take some top down shots so it wasn't an issue. After a...
  20. 5280aerials

    Inspire 1 - aircraft with 3510h motors, shell still available

    Parting out an Inspire 1 that's been upgraded with the 3510 h motors. Inspire 1 shell with 3510h motors, Zenmuse 5 mounting plate with vibration pad -excellent condition - $650 Inspire 1 remote controller - excellent condition - $ 275 Power adapter/charger - $35 Original Inspire...