Unreal scenery, comment would be easy on the yaw movements. all movement besides actual forward/side to side movement should be slow and smooth (i.e. yaw pans and camera tilts). For example you're trying to follow those birds, I think the shot would be better if you let them fly right by.
Also at times it seems like you are unsure of the shot you are after. For example when you are tracking along the river with the buoys you are kind of drifting off to the right and then do a sharp correction, and head the other way. I'd try and keep the river framed right in the middle and do your forward movement and camera tilt up.
I love that shot where you follow the boat from the side, very well done. Since the sunset is so beautiful and the scenery pretty vast it would be cool to accelerate up while you're moving to the side to reveal more of the surroundings, and then slowly come to a stop once the sunset is nicely framed, could be a cool ending shot (although the croc is pretty cool too!)
Nice job though, just some suggestions on filming techniques.