I totally agree with the landowner on this EXCEPT the discharging of a firearm in PUBLIC... I'm NOT joining a drone cult that insists on flying over people's homes and accepting the fact you are doing nothing wrong, SORRY!! My take is on this, GET PERMISSION and get as much people/public involved as possible knowing that what you are doing is perfectly LEGAL! Two ways to look at this "PERSONAL PROPERTY flying over PRIVATE PROPERTY"! I'm a gun owner, a hunter, and lease private property.. I own Quadcopters and other RC electronics.. What we got here is, you play with fire you will eventually get burned.. Problem today is there is NO RESPECT for one another.. I can say that because I'm on both sides of the FENCE! I have nothing to hide, nor do I feel I have to defend property out in the woods.. Backyards, and windows, NOW ITS A PROBLEM!! Not saying people are pervs, predators, or such but put that into consideration while your wife or children are freely roaming the grounds of your privacy!! Just put that into perspective, it's piece of mind... You're at all COSTS going to defend this, ITS NATURAL and you have NO IDEA what this Quadcopter is capable of or what it's even carrying[emoji15]!! We watch and see the news everyday, yet we keep seeing people push the limits.. Either way, public and neighborhood flying will eventually be banned, like it or NOT.. Like guns, leadership, and politicians, once someone get a hair up there ***, **** is going to hit the fan.. That's the easiest way to put it.. Suggestion!!!!!! If you fly in a neighborhood, I SUGGEST LETTING PEOPLE KNOW your intentions, or get a permit from the township providing your work or what it is you are doing, END OF STORY, and to the point!! Anything happens whilst in your mission, YOU HAVE PROOF!! This isn't about hobbyists anymore, it's about the general public owning an RC AIRCRAFT without proper education and respect, BOTTOMLINE!! Like it or not, it's just the way I see and feel it should go down[emoji6], just my .02