Any way of doing a nice and smooth 360 with I1?

Allready know this by your avatar
Allready know this by your avatar

Its amazing that you can deduce the flight characteristics of a drone from an avatar

I will be impressed if you know what my avatar is. Very impressed.

Not weird at all. Silent cinema cameramen would hum a song so they kept a consistent frame rate.
Try the new 1.4 firmware version of the DJI Go App with "point of Interest" that DJI just added. It works pretty well.

But with some practice you will find that you can do better manually than the app.
Without the DJI app "Point Of Interest".
Yes, I could use a little more practice, but it's usually good enough for my needs.
I was standing on the house roof to stay out of the picture and to get a better angle on what I was seeing.
Without the DJI app "Point Of Interest".
Yes, I could use a little more practice, but it's usually good enough for my needs.
I was standing on the house roof to stay out of the picture and to get a better angle on what I was seeing.
Next time with an Inspire?
Practice works I know