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best place to buy Inspire 1

Mar 6, 2015
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Dallas, Texas
I was planning on buying my inspire 1 at B&H but now they are out of them again. DSLR Pro's are out as well. Hobby King kind of scares me as I have read lots of bad reviews, perhaps someone here can make me feel better about that. i have found a few places on Amazon that have them but I am a bit leery of hand this kind of money over to a company I know nothing about. yes, I am looking for some reassurance. :)

Many thanks,
Any vendor on amazon should be all good..amazon direct just released the inspire after 3 months on hold due to possible issues with the inspire. .but after an investigation they have decided to start selling them..so it's all good if amazon has looked into something and then released the product. .
copter shop is very good.. they are a seller on amazon but you can feel just as secure buying directly through them..
stay away from all e rc. .they only have a two week exchange policy that they don't honor. .they will push you off to dji la. .like they did me..
turbo. .
I was planning on buying my inspire 1 at B&H but now they are out of them again. DSLR Pro's are out as well. Hobby King kind of scares me as I have read lots of bad reviews, perhaps someone here can make me feel better about that. i have found a few places on Amazon that have them but I am a bit leery of hand this kind of money over to a company I know nothing about. yes, I am looking for some reassurance. :)

Many thanks,

Multicopterwarehouse.com is where I got mine and they have them in stock. They have really great customer service, too.
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Coptershop was very good to me. Got here in 4 days, and provided full spare set of props, prop locks, battery heaters, extra camera mount isolators, and a tool that looks like a paint can opener (don't even know what that's for), extra cables, ... Great experience.

All of those items come with the Inspire 1. Yes, you're special, but not that special. ;)
To attach, remove and tighten your mobile device holder. It needs a beefy screwdriver. I take it DJI would rather you not use any other tool on their copter:-)
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1UAS.com Intelligentuas

They have a big enough staff and space to help out with any issues or concerns that arises.
Really quick shipping if you live on the east coast.
Host events and have some aight videos.
And generally have everything for the inspire 1. Except tb48's seems like no one kind hold them. their just that hot.

Oh and they have a pretty good cash back program.
1UAS.com Intelligentuas

They have a big enough staff and space to help out with any issues or concerns that arises.
Really quick shipping if you live on the east coast.
Host events and have some aight videos.
And generally have everything for the inspire 1. Except tb48's seems like no one kind hold them. their just that hot.

Oh and they have a pretty good cash back program.
Hey flowsun..
copter shop has the tb48's in stock. .199.00 usd..
great place to get ur stuff besides Amazon.com. .
amazon has a lot of parts available right now ..search for inspire 1 parts..
turbo. .
in the uk, I bought mine from epictv - shop.epictv.com - they are actually based in Chamonix, and sell extreme winter sports and camera gear. They are all English and can always be got hold of on their online chat, which makes everything very easy. They have stock and will do next day delivery or 48 hour delivery free. They also sent me out a new one when mine had a fault, meaning I didn't have to deal with DJI. thumbs up from me.
Coptershop.....is where u should buy ...extra attention to you extra parts (free)....but the best ....no tax ...I save enough money to order a 48 battery. ...but shop around......plus they call you personally. ..the bad .....it's so **** addicting you what to have 10 batteries

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