just got my replacement Inspire today for my Inspire that ended up in the water. i was told they would not repair it. they would not admit the loss of transmitter signal after the last f.w. update was an issue..so i had to pay a reduced price to get a new one.
this one is registered to me so it can't be warranted to another owner i assume.
I cleaned up my Inspire that got dunked( i had previously taken most of it apart and carefully dried it) now other than a little ringing when i think one motor winds down.( i had to clean a few particles of sand out of the motors) it works perfectly,so I am probably going to keep it and call it Lazuras. lol.
so,i have a new one i am open to offer on..and not below $2200.I may part with the original one somewhat cheaper. i has about 100 flights maybe..i say maybe because I use the controller on a friends as camera op. and it shows on the log as a flight i noticed. All of this can be verified by a couple of other members on the forum by the way.
In any case i have flown it with the newest firmware recently and tested return to home and camera and all seems good. better than before the last f.w.
i am open to offers. I will be getting a waterproof drone next when i sell this one and may sell the other if that works out well. i love the Inspire..but i am always near water and always nervous,lol.
this one is registered to me so it can't be warranted to another owner i assume.
I cleaned up my Inspire that got dunked( i had previously taken most of it apart and carefully dried it) now other than a little ringing when i think one motor winds down.( i had to clean a few particles of sand out of the motors) it works perfectly,so I am probably going to keep it and call it Lazuras. lol.
so,i have a new one i am open to offer on..and not below $2200.I may part with the original one somewhat cheaper. i has about 100 flights maybe..i say maybe because I use the controller on a friends as camera op. and it shows on the log as a flight i noticed. All of this can be verified by a couple of other members on the forum by the way.
In any case i have flown it with the newest firmware recently and tested return to home and camera and all seems good. better than before the last f.w.
i am open to offers. I will be getting a waterproof drone next when i sell this one and may sell the other if that works out well. i love the Inspire..but i am always near water and always nervous,lol.