Cement resistor?

Cement resistors are power resistors that are heat and flame resistant.

Cement resistors are made to handle a large amount of power flowing through it with it being undamaged by heat or flames.

If you are designing a circuit where a lot of current is being passed through a resistor and with it needing to be resistant to high heat and flame, cement resistors is a good design choice.
Reactions: sirnikolas
I know what they are but thanks mate!
how do i power the rapid quick charger board? i would need either three charcers or a powersupply strong enough to be abe to charge 3 batteries at once... or there are step up converters in the board... is this one posted in post no 1 any good? usable? recomended or hand off of it???
Perhaps click my link above ^^
ok. sorry missed that... but which version is the one stated at the top ?
is that the one witha seperate psu?

for 12 bucks i'd buy two...