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DJI Flight Data Analysis? Inspire fell out of the air.

Jan 10, 2016
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I was curious if anyone here has had any experience with their I1 pinwheeling out of the air and then sending its corpse into DJI only for them to go silent.

Now, I 100% understand that customer service reps at large companies usually have 0% access to internal wonks. But I have had zero luck in getting any info about my Inspire these last 2 months that my device has been at DJI.

I personally have the flight data that shows a crash that would literally be impossible for a user to commit on their own. DJI keeps telling me that my device is still in Flight Data Analysis and that they will contact me in 24-48 hours. Again, totally get that this is the best that reps can try to give me, they have a hard enough job as is.

Anyways, thanks for your insight if you have it. I appreciate your time.
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Reactions: Tyler hardin

I was curious if anyone here has had any experience with their I1 pinwheeling out of the air and then sending its corpse into DJI only for them to go silent.

Now, I 100% understand that customer service reps at large companies usually have 0% access to internal wonks. But I have had zero luck in getting any info about my Inspire these last 2 months that my device has been at DJI.

I personally have the flight data that shows a crash that would literally be impossible for a user to commit on their own. DJI keeps telling me that my device is still in Flight Data Analysis and that they will contact me in 24-48 hours. Again, totally get that this is the best that reps can try to give me, they have a hard enough job as is.

Anyways, thanks for your insight if you have it. I appreciate your time.
I'm not sure I understand. Do you have the .DAT from this incident?
For what it's worth - after my crash DJI have sent me a brand new machine... They also included an extra controller which was nice of them!!!

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Hi Andrew, it would be good to insist to DJI to give you a report, as they seem to have agreed that it was a malfunction by sending you a new one...
I need some help with my flight log also. DJI has been blowing me off on everything. First they called Pilot error but would not tell me how only they would re-evaluate it. Now they have come back saying it's still pilot error but can not explain why my inspire is heading away from me and the home point. Still pilot error but they can't explain why
I need some help with my flight log also. DJI has been blowing me off on everything. First they called Pilot error but would not tell me how only they would re-evaluate it. Now they have come back saying it's still pilot error but can not explain why my inspire is heading away from me and the home point. Still pilot error but they can't explain why
Please give us a little more of a description of the problem. Has this happened more than once?

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