Just a thought for Brad: I would consider viewing this somewhat like a used car, the second you drive it off the lot, the value drops 25% - 30%. Although with a used car you are less likely to have had any "hard landings". A new dual controller Inspire 1 from DJI with 2 TB47 batteries is $3717. Add shipping and a couple of 32 GB SD cards and maybe we're at $3800-ish. Knock 30% off that you're down to $2660. Personally, I'm reluctant to buy ANY used quad just because I have no way of knowing what it's been subjected to. Even with only 10 flights. Nothing against Brad here but it wouldn't surprise me if others share that reluctance for the same reasons. At $3270 that's only about 14% off the new price (including the shipping estimate and SD cards). At that price point I would rather pay full price for a brand new one that's never been flown. Again, no disrespect to Brad here and of course I understand the need to get as much out of an investment as possible.