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Everybody wants (screaming) for firmware update........

Aug 7, 2013
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Firstly, apologies for the long post......
It seems to me that after reading this forum and RC Groups and DJI user forums there is one common concern that keeps coming up time and time again and that is the unexpected drop into Atti mode that can catch people unaware. Caused, we understand by an over zealous compass sensitivity/error setting that drops the Inspire immediately into Atti mode.
Yes, we all should/can fly in Atti should the need arise but the problem is the unpredictability with the way the bug manifests itself. If we were to fly at the bottom of a canyon say, then logic dictates that GPS reception could be sketchy at best so the user could choose to fly in Atti. The problem is the flight dynamics of the aircraft change radically as the Inspire drops in and out of Atti and this doesn't make for a relaxing flying experience (especially in gusty conditions.

Now, I KNOW that firmware releases are not under the control of Ed or Blade and I KNOW that they have no influence on when they will be released and I KNOW that they do not write any of the code but....... @Tahoe Ed and @blade strike you guys HAVE been testing a beta version of the firmware that directly addresses the GPS/Compass issue for some time and you DO have direct access to DJI so the question is one of communication to the end user
My question to you guys is what is the current situation regarding the next firmware release that addresses this very problem? DJI MUST have a timeframe/project timeline for this.
If DJi are trying to implement all sorts of new features and bells and whistles in the next release then why not do an interim release (like they did with .17) to at least fix the Compass/GPS issue which they have presumably solved?
Please don't answer the the question with "Soon" or "We hope very soon" as that wears a bit thin after a while.
Maybe you could explain exactly what is holding things up at DJi China R&D in the roll out of either an interim or full release? Or maybe explain the process a little clearer so that us (the end users) can understand what the delay in getting this very real problem fixed is?
Please do not take this as a DJi bashing post, it is a genuine request for an understanding into the workflow/process of getting a widespread problem looked at, fixed and out to the consumer.

Thanks guys....
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I'm tippin that this next firmware will be huge. They're gonna make sure that everything in the firmware will be 100% before releasing it. There would also be vigorous testing across at least 10 I1's. This time around they would be wanting to release the firmware to address all current bugs and not miss anything.

Dji if you're reading this and I know I speak for all I1 owners when I say -
Please take as long as it takes and please address all current issues and any that we're unaware of.

Next firmware I'd like to believe that the I1 will be the aircraft that was promised to us from the beginning.

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I'm with the Editor. I nearly crashed my Inspire 1 into a tree yesterday when it flipped into ATTI after about 10 minutes of perfect GPS flight. I can fly ATTI but the sudden change of flight characteristics can be a real danger to the aircraft. An interim fix would be good then we'll all have more than a pile of scrap onto which to load the big firmware dump whenever comes.
Because of the current issue i always fly in ATTI, the only problem is it limits me to when i can fly but i'd rather fly in constant ATTI mode then not know if i am or am not in GPS mode. I agree with everything said above but i'd also like the confidence that DJI have been able to do thorough R&D so with the next firmware update the Inspire 1 is as rock solid as my Phantom 2. :)
Please don't answer the the question with "Soon" or "We hope very soon" as that wears a bit thin after a while.
Do you really think they would say that if they had the knowledge/permission to say more? They simply have no choice. DJI China doesn't want to say anything, so nothing gets said until they decide to to ahead. That's just how it is and there is nothing they can do but tell DJI they really should communicate more... and they already do that, but in the end HQ does what they want. Take it directly with them if you're unhappy, re-re-posting a forum thread about it doesn't reach any of the responsible people and achieves absolutely nothing.

In the end it's impossible to please everybody anyway. DJI have previously been repeatedly bashed for saying too much, so now they shut up. I'd do the same.
Your post is pretty much an oxymoron

I wont answer since you don't like the answers already given.

I will add this, Maybe we shouldn't even had said one word about it? Maybe we have already said too much? Next time we will just stay quiet so we don't get attacked for things out of our control.
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Do you really think they would say that if they had the knowledge/permission to say more? They simply have no choice. DJI China doesn't want to say anything, so nothing gets said until they decide to to ahead. That's just how it is and there is nothing they can do but tell DJI they really should communicate more... and they already do that, but in the end HQ does what they want. Take it directly with them if you're unhappy, re-re-posting a forum thread about it doesn't reach any of the responsible people and achieves absolutely nothing.

In the end it's impossible to please everybody anyway. DJI have previously been repeatedly bashed for saying too much, so now they shut up. I'd do the same.
Well that told me then!

OK - email now been sent to Frank Wang.
Having been involved in many firmware bug fix situations, I can firmly say that the manufacturer will never give a hard timeline to an end user. It has nothing to do with them being a Chinese company. If they are not confident that they have fixed the problem, they will not release the upgrade. You have to identify the problem, write the code, then test thoroughly. It may take several dozen attempts before they find the right code. I can see the frustration, but no one here has any control. Even if they are beta testers, I guarantee that they are not privy to the hard timeline at DJI. I'm guessing that they will be told when a release is announced first, but they may also be under a non-disclosure that prevents them from telling the public (you) from hearing that prior to when DJI tells them to. I feel your pain, Blade, as I have been attacked many times by overzealous end users....:-). That being said, this firmware upgrade is the one thing that is holding me back from buying......so hurry up, DJI! Lol
Having been involved in many firmware bug fix situations, I can firmly say that the manufacturer will never give a hard timeline to an end user. It has nothing to do with them being a Chinese company. If they are not confident that they have fixed the problem, they will not release the upgrade. You have to identify the problem, write the code, then test thoroughly. It may take several dozen attempts before they find the right code. I can see the frustration, but no one here has any control. Even if they are beta testers, I guarantee that they are not privy to the hard timeline at DJI. I'm guessing that they will be told when a release is announced first, but they may also be under a non-disclosure that prevents them from telling the public (you) from hearing that prior to when DJI tells them to. I feel your pain, Blade, as I have been attacked many times by overzealous end users....:). That being said, this firmware upgrade is the one thing that is holding me back from buying......so hurry up, DJI! Lol

Im glad some of you understand. We want this to be released as much anyone else. But all in due time.

Thank you for your support
I would bet my life savings that they are feverishly trying to fix this problem. The marketing and sales guys are all over the tech side, as I guarantee that this is affecting sales (take me, for example). I would not want to be a coder for DJI at the moment. Being a Chinese company, management may start executing a coder a day until this is fixed....lol.
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Has the GPS to Atti issue been happening before the most recent update? Did the newest update do anything to make this happen more? I have installed the update and haven't noticed any difference, but due to weather haven't really done much flying since I did it....
How many do you think he gets about the same question? Incredible ....
You're absolutely right... silly me - Doh!

Have included Robert Yung, Eric Cheng, Christina Zhang, and John Gao, in the circulaion...well, why not... one of them might answer their inbox!
For the most part is has occurred since v.16 and to a lesser extent v.14. Blade is correct we probably have said too much and the expectations right now are very high. DJI has improved its testing procedures and we are transitioning to them right now. It will probably mean that the cycle between upgrades may be longer. We apologize however, we are trying to improve the process where new issues are introduced while trying to fix old issues. Please be patient.
You're absolutely right... silly me - Doh!

Have included Robert Yung, Eric Cheng, Christina Zhang, and John Gao, in the circulaion...well, why not... one of them might answer their inbox!

That's great but as you should know this will not speed up the testing process. The firmware will be ready when the PM decides.
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Has the GPS to Atti issue been happening before the most recent update? Did the newest update do anything to make this happen more? I have installed the update and haven't noticed any difference, but due to weather haven't really done much flying since I did it....

.17 update was only on the lightbridge side of things.
For the most part is has occurred since v.16 and to a lesser extent v.14. Blade is correct we probably have said too much and the expectations right now are very high. DJI has improved its testing procedures and we are transitioning to them right now. It will probably mean that the cycle between upgrades may be longer. We apologize however, we are trying to improve the process where new issues are introduced while trying to fix old issues. Please be patient.

Ed and Blade...

No apologies needed as far as I am concerned. I'm married to an EE/Software Eng. (32 years) who works for Boeing. I fully understand the complexities involved. The firmware will see the light of day when it is ready. Period. I'm fine with that and always will be. :)
For the most part is has occurred since v.16 and to a lesser extent v.14. Blade is correct we probably have said too much and the expectations right now are very high. DJI has improved its testing procedures and we are transitioning to them right now. It will probably mean that the cycle between upgrades may be longer. We apologize however, we are trying to improve the process where new issues are introduced while trying to fix old issues. Please be patient.

All good. Please let us know what you can when you can, and if any help is needed, I'm sure there are a few brave souls on here (myself included) who would be willing to help out with testing if that would help get it done.

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