Yesterday took my Inspire to film a local monument flight distance to the monument was just over a KM, windy conditions took off flew her 750m before losing the video link. Flew her back immediately,video link restored after about 5 seconds, landed switched everything off changed the battery. On the second attempt made it to the monument then flew her back, no issues, really pleased how she responded to the conditions.
Today went to my local park at 7 am for a short fly about to discharge my TB47 battery that was fully charged but not used for several days. K Index was in the green zone, preflight checks gave a compass MOD reading of 1435 (normal) and sensor values were spot on. I had full GPS showing 17 satellites, took off manually and hovered for about 30 seconds everything stable. Did several loops around the park, 6 minutes into the flight took her up to 28 meters, she started to turn with out control inputs. I thought it was the higher winds at that altitude and dropped her down to 10 meters at this point I did not think there was anything wrong. I noted she was moving from side to side in the hover and brought her in close to me then all of a sudden 7min 30 sec into the flight she started toilet bowling. I have heard of this but did not know exactly what it meant, my inspire without control input started to go round in circles with the nose pointing in the same direction in a clockwise direction. I still had throttle control and tried to get her close to the ground to initiate gear down, this was impossible so quickly manually dropped the gear. At the slowest point in the loop she was doing I dropped her onto the grass and killed the throttle due to the sideways momentum she tilted up as the two left feet caught the ground thankfully she did not tip over and the props did not hit the ground.
I did not put her into ATTI mode as she was so close to me and no more than three meter high when she finally lost it. I did not calibrate the compass before the flight (about seventh flight without compass calibration) the compass was last calibrated at this flying spot. I used to calibrate the compass each flight however I have taken the advice of several experienced folks that this is not required. Preflight checks confirmed IMU and compass values were in the green values. My I-pad mini 2 was in flight mode, everything has been updated to the latest firmware, everything fully charged. Vast majority of my flights including the first has been at this park, I did nothing different.
This has shattered my confidence, if this had happened the day before on my Ythsie prop flight I might have lost her. Post flight actions, fully checked out my Inspire, inspected the propellers, QR locks & motors all were in good condition. Did a full IMU calibration on a dead level surface. Will do a compass calibration before my next flight. Link to yesterdays flight, PS I'm still learning so technically not so hot, this is purely a hobby for me.
Today went to my local park at 7 am for a short fly about to discharge my TB47 battery that was fully charged but not used for several days. K Index was in the green zone, preflight checks gave a compass MOD reading of 1435 (normal) and sensor values were spot on. I had full GPS showing 17 satellites, took off manually and hovered for about 30 seconds everything stable. Did several loops around the park, 6 minutes into the flight took her up to 28 meters, she started to turn with out control inputs. I thought it was the higher winds at that altitude and dropped her down to 10 meters at this point I did not think there was anything wrong. I noted she was moving from side to side in the hover and brought her in close to me then all of a sudden 7min 30 sec into the flight she started toilet bowling. I have heard of this but did not know exactly what it meant, my inspire without control input started to go round in circles with the nose pointing in the same direction in a clockwise direction. I still had throttle control and tried to get her close to the ground to initiate gear down, this was impossible so quickly manually dropped the gear. At the slowest point in the loop she was doing I dropped her onto the grass and killed the throttle due to the sideways momentum she tilted up as the two left feet caught the ground thankfully she did not tip over and the props did not hit the ground.
I did not put her into ATTI mode as she was so close to me and no more than three meter high when she finally lost it. I did not calibrate the compass before the flight (about seventh flight without compass calibration) the compass was last calibrated at this flying spot. I used to calibrate the compass each flight however I have taken the advice of several experienced folks that this is not required. Preflight checks confirmed IMU and compass values were in the green values. My I-pad mini 2 was in flight mode, everything has been updated to the latest firmware, everything fully charged. Vast majority of my flights including the first has been at this park, I did nothing different.
This has shattered my confidence, if this had happened the day before on my Ythsie prop flight I might have lost her. Post flight actions, fully checked out my Inspire, inspected the propellers, QR locks & motors all were in good condition. Did a full IMU calibration on a dead level surface. Will do a compass calibration before my next flight. Link to yesterdays flight, PS I'm still learning so technically not so hot, this is purely a hobby for me.