I will post the photo in a few hours (and hopefully some video). Yesterday I took the Phantom 2V+ and the Inspire 1 up together. I put the Inspire 1 in hover mode and was using the Phantom to take video from different angles. During my maneuvering, the Phantom drifted and "bumped" the Inspire1. The Inspire stayed stable in the air, but I noticed a small black piece of plastic flutter to the ground. I was about 10 meters from the ground during all of this. I landed the Phantom and then the Inspire. The Phantom had no issues but about 2 inches of each blade of one propeller of the Inspire had broken off. My point is that the Inspire held itself very steady despite one propeller having both blades lose about 2 inches of each tip. I might have been lucky that about the same amount of each tip was knocked off. But I am very pleased how stable it was despite my accident.
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