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Full Moon over the Alps

The detail in the moon is great. I can see where you did some post-production manipulation to pad the moon's exposure on a couple of the shots. The moon is always blown out in these shots, regardless of dynamic range. Looks good. I can see a slight digital artifact contouring the mountains in those shots. Is that in the original footage?

The day shot looks very warm to me - like the white balance was set very high - like 6500K - 7000K or so (maybe the "cloudy" setting). Composition is good.

The detail in the moon is great. I can see where you did some post-production manipulation to pad the moon's exposure on a couple of the shots. The moon is always blown out in these shots, regardless of dynamic range. Looks good. I can see a slight digital artifact contouring the mountains in those shots. Is that in the original footage?

The day shot looks very warm to me - like the white balance was set very high - like 6500K - 7000K or so (maybe the "cloudy" setting). Composition is good.

Hi Donnie,
Thanks for your feedback.
You have indeed noticed a few details that most would overlook.
Firstly: When shooting the moon it is imperative to choose the right day where the moon rises and is visible at exactly the right moment between sundown and complete darkness.
This enables exposure of the moon to be achieved with ambient light and background remaining within safe levels.
You may notice that in the wide shots although the moon is small exposure is perfect across the whole image, the mistake we made was not using the longer lens first and capturing the moon closer.
By the time we changed lenses and batteries and got back in the air the contrast between the moon and ambient lit background had reached difficult levels i.e the moon is starting to clip on its bright side and we are loosing detail in the shadows of the foreground.
However: Much of what you see in this YouTube video is down to lazy masking and tracking of the moon and fast grading.
Artifacts on the ridges are due to compression of the sharpening and heavy grading for you tube and the warm image is purely my subjective grade as the settings of the prores 4444 XQ D log in the original footage allow room for adjustment in any direction.

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