I've flown the Inspire several times now, the gimbal performance is very good except horizon level drifts. I've already done gimbal auto calibration via the app.
When starting the Inspire and flying forwards the horizon level is perfect, after turning around and moving the craft in a new (opposite) direction, the horizon level is off a few degrees often. When flying afterwards in the direction I started to move the Inspire after takeoff, the level is perfect again. So it depends on the point of compass I think.
I've already done compass and IMU calibration at this flying location, but I noticed no improvement on the horizon issue after that.
What else could I do ? Did DJI announce better horizon performance for the next firmware update ?
Thanks for your help !
I've flown the Inspire several times now, the gimbal performance is very good except horizon level drifts. I've already done gimbal auto calibration via the app.
When starting the Inspire and flying forwards the horizon level is perfect, after turning around and moving the craft in a new (opposite) direction, the horizon level is off a few degrees often. When flying afterwards in the direction I started to move the Inspire after takeoff, the level is perfect again. So it depends on the point of compass I think.
I've already done compass and IMU calibration at this flying location, but I noticed no improvement on the horizon issue after that.
What else could I do ? Did DJI announce better horizon performance for the next firmware update ?
Thanks for your help !