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Intermittent Z3 "No Image Transmission Signal"

Apr 19, 2015
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Rocklin, CA
Intermittent Z3 "No Image Transmission Signal". Please Help. 17 out of 20 attempts, I get this above message; conversely, am successful only 3 out of 20 attempts. Go app = v3.1.68; Inspire 1 Aircraft = v1.11.01.50; RC = v1.7.80; Camera (Z3) = v1-9-1-40+. Can control camera settings most of time; will occasionally get all N/A, then they return. Histogram shows changes as images in front of camera changes, yet still have the "No Image Transmission" message. 2 times, was able to get image after re-linking controller, but no image after subsequent power up cycles. RC & HD are at 5 bars. What is the fix for consistent functionality?
Use a X3 camera for a firmware downgrade of both the aircraft and the controller, that way you don't run the risk of bricking a camera.

Utilize Firmware v1.8.x.x for the aircraft, the controller should be downgraded as well to 1.6.0 to match.

Again, only use a X3 camera for the downgrade, but after that the Z3 should work just fine. The camera firmware you have is the latest.

I own 3 Inspire 1, 2 V1 and 1 V2/Pro/RAW. I also own all 4 cameras, the X3/Z3/X5 and X5R. For reference, the latest camera firmware is best for the cameras, but for the aircraft v1.8.x.x (or version 1.9.x.x for the Z3) is best along with v1.6.0 for the controller.

You could have a problem with the camera itself, or, more than likely, it is a firmware issue. There could also be an issue with the aircraft.

Before even doing any of the above, have you tried to manually set a channel? Sometimes the latest firmware "freaks out" and doesn't chose a clear channel and get tons of interference, regardless of the number of bars shown.

I would get everything set up, hover the aircraft and go through and chose a channel manually, say Channel 20. See if it works clear and without issue. Try that with each channel and if NONE of them work, then I would try the firmware downgrade.

Let us know how it works.
Intermittent Z3 "No Image Transmission Signal". Please Help. 17 out of 20 attempts, I get this above message; conversely, am successful only 3 out of 20 attempts. Go app = v3.1.68; Inspire 1 Aircraft = v1.11.01.50; RC = v1.7.80; Camera (Z3) = v1-9-1-40+. Can control camera settings most of time; will occasionally get all N/A, then they return. Histogram shows changes as images in front of camera changes, yet still have the "No Image Transmission" message. 2 times, was able to get image after re-linking controller, but no image after subsequent power up cycles. RC & HD are at 5 bars. What is the fix for consistent functionality?
Thank you Brian! 1) I no longer have an X3; only an X5. Would that suffice? 2) Where may I find the older F/W versions? 3) I am selling the Inspire1 rig, and hence no longer need the Z3. Can I assume that if I am able to occasionally get successful image transmission, that the camera is in fact working condition, it's just a F/W compatibility issue with the aircraft? 4) Yes, I've manually set different channels; No difference.
Actually, with a X5 I would NOT do ANY firmware upgrades/downgrades/etc... Basically you run the VERY HIGH risk of bricking the camera.

If you don't mind using the Z3 (and I have not heard of anyone bricking a Z3 mind you), then you can get a hold of the v1.09.x.x firmware and downgrading to that with the Z3 camera in place. Also be sure to downgrade to v1.6.0 on the controller as well.

But, again, it is well known that messing with firmware versions with a X5 in place is known to brick the X5. They cost about $300-400 to repair if you brick them, so I personally would not even attempt it.
Actually, with a X5 I would NOT do ANY firmware upgrades/downgrades/etc... Basically you run the VERY HIGH risk of bricking the camera.

If you don't mind using the Z3 (and I have not heard of anyone bricking a Z3 mind you), then you can get a hold of the v1.09.x.x firmware and downgrading to that with the Z3 camera in place. Also be sure to downgrade to v1.6.0 on the controller as well.

But, again, it is well known that messing with firmware versions with a X5 in place is known to brick the X5. They cost about $300-400 to repair if you brick them, so I personally would not even attempt it.
I completely concur with Brian. I bricked my X5. See my post 'No image Transmission signal gimbal OK' Brian and Donnie Frank were completely correct. I'd like to borrow a X3 camera to try the downgrade, but can't find one in the Scottish Borders.
John, are you having the same error with the X5 camera as with the Z3?

If so, I would imagine an electrical problem with the aircraft, or really bad signal interference.

Have you tried a different location? Is this error happening at the same location or different locations?
Intermittent Z3 "No Image Transmission Signal". Please Help. 17 out of 20 attempts, I get this above message; conversely, am successful only 3 out of 20 attempts. Go app = v3.1.68; Inspire 1 Aircraft = v1.11.01.50; RC = v1.7.80; Camera (Z3) = v1-9-1-40+. Can control camera settings most of time; will occasionally get all N/A, then they return. Histogram shows changes as images in front of camera changes, yet still have the "No Image Transmission" message. 2 times, was able to get image after re-linking controller, but no image after subsequent power up cycles. RC & HD are at 5 bars. What is the fix for consistent functionality?
Thank you for the guidance & warning. I do NOT want to risk bricking the X5. According to release notes, "... v1.7.80 or above. Please note that this remote controller firmware cannot be downgraded." Therefore I am unable to proceed with your guidance, right? https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/INSPIRE+1+series/20170912/Inspire_1_Pro_Release_Notes_201707_EN.pdf
Actually DJI says that all the time about downgrading because they don't WANT people to, but you can.

On the controller, if you have a GL658C version you *MAY* run into the issue that after a downgrade from 1.7.8 to 1.6.0 you might get an "encryption error" on restarting the controller and connecting to the tablet. If you do than the version you have will not run anything less than 1.7.x.

I have 3 GL658C controllers and only 1 is non-dowgradeable. The other 2 downgrade and run 1.6.0 just fine. It is only the very last version of the GL658C where they locked-out the downgrade.

I can also confirm there is no issues downgrading, getting the "encryption error" and re-upgrading back to 1.7.8 to "fix" it. It will work just fine.
John, are you having the same error with the X5 camera as with the Z3?

If so, I would imagine an electrical problem with the aircraft, or really bad signal interference.

Have you tried a different location? Is this error happening at the same location or different locations?
X5 works fine. Just the Z3 is problematic. Error is occurring in different locations.
Actually DJI says that all the time about downgrading because they don't WANT people to, but you can.

On the controller, if you have a GL658C version you *MAY* run into the issue that after a downgrade from 1.7.8 to 1.6.0 you might get an "encryption error" on restarting the controller and connecting to the tablet. If you do than the version you have will not run anything less than 1.7.x.

I have 3 GL658C controllers and only 1 is non-dowgradeable. The other 2 downgrade and run 1.6.0 just fine. It is only the very last version of the GL658C where they locked-out the downgrade.

I can also confirm there is no issues downgrading, getting the "encryption error" and re-upgrading back to 1.7.8 to "fix" it. It will work just fine.
1) How do I know what GL version I have? 2) From where may I find older F/W versions?
X5 works fine. Just the Z3 is problematic. Error is occurring in different locations.
Than you have already identified it as a camera problem.

Send it in to DJI and have the Z3 repaired.

Probably a bad ribbon cable in it.
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1) How do I know what GL version I have? 2) From where may I find older F/W versions?
The back of the controller will have the number.

For the controller you change the firmware via the DJI GO app. Hit the three lines on the corner after connecting the controller. Choose the firmware version you want via the drop down menu.
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Than you have already identified it as a camera problem.

Send it in to DJI and have the Z3 repaired.

Probably a bad ribbon cable in it.
Since I'm sell the Inspire 1 that it goes to, I'll see what DJI wants for repair and what the market is bearing for resale value. Thank!
Well, I can personally tell you that a Z3 in decent shape is worth more than the repair price.

I bought a BNIB for more than I thought I would pay for a Z3, but I wanted the zoom capabilities.
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UPDATE: Fixed. Bad gimbal cable. DJI repair turnaround = 26 hours from time of receipt at their California facility on Wednesday morning to completion of quality assurance on Thursday. Sent it to them on a Monday afternoon, had it back in my hands the following Saturday - 6 days. $96 for this out of warranty repair. Great service - turnaround time, pictures of it on their repair bench confirming the error message, and price. It will be listed on eBay for sale today.

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