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My X5R Windows/Premiere Pro Workflow

What hardware are you using again Damon? This is me testing 2015 MBP 13", USB3 to USB3. But the USB3 drive is a 4TB bus powered seagate drive, so obviously going to be slow.
I bought SlimRAW for WINDOWS today and it works fine. When you choose the Premiere Pro CC compatibility option, Premiere Pro CC for Windows brings the files right in. Problem solved. Excellent solution for only $45.
Im using Premier Pro CC 2015.3 (just updated) and it now seems to load X5R files directly after using DJI Camera Exporter without the need to use SlimRAW (which I just purchased a few days ago). Just use Media Browser, click on file and drag into project, nice.
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It appears to actually scroll through and handle raw footage much better now from the timeline also which is a big +
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Im using Premier Pro CC 2015.3 (just updated) and it now seems to load X5R files directly after using DJI Camera Exporter without the need to use SlimRAW (which I just purchased a few days ago). Just use Media Browser, click on file and drag into project, nice.

As damoncooper mentioned in another thread, the new PP 2015.3 allows for creation of proxy files linked to the original CinemaDNG files to make editing smoother within the timeline: Work offline using proxy media | Adobe Premiere Pro CC tutorials
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I have a simple question about the Adobe Premier Pro workflow.
I'm not sure if I'm doing right. I use the DJI Camera Exporter to export the RAW footage to my PC. It creates a directory with a lot of single RAW files inside.
When using Adobe Premier, I import the whole directory on "media import" and after that I paste it to my timeline. All individual frames are now shown there at the timeline (not like a movie file).
The odd thing is: the time of the footage is completely wrong. Instead of 30 seconds it'll show hours...
Am I doing it right? Is there a way to import the media as a video file (like an MP4)?
I have a simple question about the Adobe Premier Pro workflow.
I'm not sure if I'm doing right. I use the DJI Camera Exporter to export the RAW footage to my PC. It creates a directory with a lot of single RAW files inside.
When using Adobe Premier, I import the whole directory on "media import" and after that I paste it to my timeline. All individual frames are now shown there at the timeline (not like a movie file).
The odd thing is: the time of the footage is completely wrong. Instead of 30 seconds it'll show hours...
Am I doing it right? Is there a way to import the media as a video file (like an MP4)?

No, they really could make this easier.

In the Media Explorer view in PP, drill into a DNG sequence folder. Right click on the first DNG file and click Import.
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It would seem that actually getting the files into Premiere is no longer a problem - individually! My current gripe is that I have a project with about 40-50 RAW clips that I want to import, and I can only import them individually. That's a SERIOUS pain in the ***. Has anyone found a way to bring them all in at once, like Resolve 12.5?
It would seem that actually getting the files into Premiere is no longer a problem - individually! My current gripe is that I have a project with about 40-50 RAW clips that I want to import, and I can only import them individually. That's a SERIOUS pain in the ***. Has anyone found a way to bring them all in at once, like Resolve 12.5?

It's one at a time. Right click on the first DNG in the dir and click import yeah. One per directory / clip
When I say dark, I mean almost black. The footage is fine in Cinelight and when opened as individual dng's in Photoshop

I am getting this near black issue in Premiere CC 2017. Same file looks great in ACR/After Effects. Anyone else?
I am getting this near black issue in Premiere CC 2017. Same file looks great in ACR/After Effects. Anyone else?
I have a vague recollection that somebody solved this problem by running the DNG files through SlimRaw.

Damon Cooper is the one to ask about this.
I have a vague recollection that somebody solved this problem by running the DNG files through SlimRaw.

Damon Cooper is the one to ask about this.

Thanks. For what its worth the files are importing perfectly and quickly and playback is fine. The only issue is the near black clips.

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