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RC powered off mid flight

I had the same thing happen. I had just upgraded the firmware to Because I had left the RC on to upgrade I had my wife plug it in to charge. About an hour later I was flying at about 200 feet altitude and 1,500 feet distance the RC shut down. I tried to restart it but it wouldn't come back on. The aircraft activated RTH on its own. I connected my iPad to my second controller and turned it on but never made a connection to the AC. It landed safely on its own.

I charged the RC for another hour and flew it twice with no problems.

My initial thought was there was not a good connection to the RC when charging. Now I am wondering if this is a firmware problem.

Does anyone have a list of iPad settings they set before flying?
To add to the story now my inspire is on its way back for a 5-6 week tune up.. I have had it less then a month. Great machine when it is flying but now is a $3000 paper weight.

Not sure this issue is related to the RC turning off problem but now the aircraft will crash within seconds of take off. Will just spiral out of control with no action on my part. I have the latest firmware.. done all calibrations. IMU compass, and RC sticks many times yet it still will crash. I'm not new at this... Have flown a Phantom for a while now and have been noting but gentle to the inspire since I got it. So let the waiting begin... Sort of bummed because I upgraded to get better footage for a job I'm working on. Now its on hold and luckily the client is very understanding but the first results were so nice. Anyways... 5-6 weeks is a long time to wait!
To add to the story now my inspire is on its way back for a 5-6 week tune up.. I have had it less then a month. Great machine when it is flying but now is a $3000 paper weight.

Not sure this issue is related to the RC turning off problem but now the aircraft will crash within seconds of take off. Will just spiral out of control with no action on my part. I have the latest firmware.. done all calibrations. IMU compass, and RC sticks many times yet it still will crash. I'm not new at this... Have flown a Phantom for a while now and have been noting but gentle to the inspire since I got it. So let the waiting begin... Sort of bummed because I upgraded to get better footage for a job I'm working on. Now its on hold and luckily the client is very understanding but the first results were so nice. Anyways... 5-6 weeks is a long time to wait!

Please do not double post - I have deleted your other thread duplicating this one.
Sort of bummed because I upgraded to get better footage for a job I'm working on. Now its on hold and luckily the client is very understanding but the first results were so nice.

Never ever, NEVER, upgrade firmware or editing software or any ware in the midst of a project. No doubt, now, you know why.
Same thing happening here, 3 times in the last week or so. Red light on the controller and disconnection message on the pilot app. Luckily it's come back each time but I'm grounding it until this gets sorted, there's just too much risk of losing it.
Have sent all the log files to DJI so we'll see.
Same thing happening here, 3 times in the last week or so. Red light on the controller and disconnection message on the pilot app. Luckily it's come back each time but I'm grounding it until this gets sorted, there's just too much risk of losing it.
Have sent all the log files to DJI so we'll see.
If your red light is on on the remote controller it is not powered off it has simply lost its rf link to the Inspire which is completely different.
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Ok the red light is on thus meaning lost rf link . I hope this expedites the solution. Its been six months now the compass bug is still kicking DJI butt
Ok the red light is on thus meaning lost rf link . I hope this expedites the solution. Its been six months now the compass bug is still kicking DJI butt
The 'compass bug' was specifically addressed in the latest firmware release. I have not heard of anyone still having this problem after updating. Are you saying your Inspire STILL drops into Atti the way it did prior to this update?
Yup. Good news that they managed to find and fix! Hopefully no one didn't crash their inspire because of it, or do any other damage.

Solved issue of the remote controller occasionally powering off automatically when using firmware v1.2.1.0.
YES, I HAD this problem. Now my Bird 1 is in the river - and I cannot find? DJI?? When will you respond. The new firmware corrected (supposedly) the problem?
YES, I HAD this problem. Now my Bird 1 is in the river - and I cannot find? DJI?? When will you respond. The new firmware corrected (supposedly) the problem?
If your Bird is in the river, it sound more like something else than "RC shutting down"-error..

if RC shut down it would go to safe mode and return to home?

Edit: Also, DJI doesnt look on this forum, so you would need to call or email them directly if you want proper answers.
.....Edit: Also, DJI doesnt look on this forum, so you would need to call or email them directly if you want proper answers.

Yes they do.... Tahoe Ed works for DJI and blade strike does testing for them. They are regular visitors and contributors on here
Yes they do.... Tahoe Ed works for DJI and blade strike does testing for them. They are regular visitors and contributors
Yes it is yellow, red flashes from the tail. Compass error, compass error Gps control is useless. The AC is just drifting in atti. I can control it but its fighting for a gps signal. Compass error. In my opinion its the same bug. Just made it more aggressive no more toilet bowl. Now it will completely fly away from its position.
Yes they do.... Tahoe Ed works for DJI and blade strike does testing for them. They are regular visitors and contributors on here
Yup but afaik they don't answer support tickets that you make through DJI official. They help out on forums for sure. i could be wrong though :)
Yup but afaik they don't answer support tickets that you make through DJI official. They help out on forums for sure. i could be wrong though :)
You're right but......Ed can certainly help if things get stuck in the system..;)
After upgrade to firmware I have had no more RC shutdowns. But now I am having problems with video transmission from AC to RC.

I have an iPad Air 2 and get better reception from the AC when I use my iPhone 6 plus.

After upgrade to firmware I am having more connection problems with either. Is anyone else having transmission properties since the last firmware upgrade?

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