I've had the Inspire for about a week now and have flown her for about 3 hours total. Yesterday and today I've had some strange behavior, culminating in a near miss of my house today, she made it out OK due to some extreme throttle and manuevering, yet VERY close call.
Basically here's what I'm seeing. When she takes off in GPS hold mode (manual or auto) she roams around in a somewhat square pattern without any stick input. I'd say about a 1-2 sq. meter of roaming. Previously this behavior has settled down after a few minutes of being in the air, then she's rock solid, yet this time my bird decided (without input) to drift very quickly towards my house, which is about 20 meteres from where I took off. She was only at about 1-2 meters of elevation and was going really fast. I pulled up hard, narrowly missing my house and clipping some tree branches. I was able to regain control at this point, yet I'm not confident that I can fly again until I know what happened here.
Note, I calibrated the IMU and compass before this flight and didn't show any compass errors (although I did have my first reported compass error yesterday).
I've seen other reports of similar behavior on takeoff, where the bird roams around for a few minutes before it holds rock steady. Is this a known issue that will be fixed with firmware, or do I have a hardware issue? I can swap her out if need be, yet I'd rather not if this is something that can be fixed with firmware/would be present on a replacement as well.
Appreciate any input, I'll be calling DJI tomorrow to discuss, yet I'm not super confident that will do much good.
Heart is finally slowing down... phew.
Basically here's what I'm seeing. When she takes off in GPS hold mode (manual or auto) she roams around in a somewhat square pattern without any stick input. I'd say about a 1-2 sq. meter of roaming. Previously this behavior has settled down after a few minutes of being in the air, then she's rock solid, yet this time my bird decided (without input) to drift very quickly towards my house, which is about 20 meteres from where I took off. She was only at about 1-2 meters of elevation and was going really fast. I pulled up hard, narrowly missing my house and clipping some tree branches. I was able to regain control at this point, yet I'm not confident that I can fly again until I know what happened here.
Note, I calibrated the IMU and compass before this flight and didn't show any compass errors (although I did have my first reported compass error yesterday).
I've seen other reports of similar behavior on takeoff, where the bird roams around for a few minutes before it holds rock steady. Is this a known issue that will be fixed with firmware, or do I have a hardware issue? I can swap her out if need be, yet I'd rather not if this is something that can be fixed with firmware/would be present on a replacement as well.
Appreciate any input, I'll be calling DJI tomorrow to discuss, yet I'm not super confident that will do much good.
Heart is finally slowing down... phew.