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The DJI Sun Shade, any good?

Jul 30, 2015
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I have one as well as a Hoodini. I really like the DJI hood. I absolutely hate the Hoodini. The DJI hood is sturdy, holds up to strong winds, and folds nice and flat when not in use. My only complaint it its very tough to toggle the snooze/sleep button on my iPad when it's all assembled.
I bought one and it does not fit the iPad Air2. Why they show the iPad Air2 as the best monitor for the Inspire1 and not provide a size that fits it is beyond my comprehension.
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I bought one and it does not fit the iPad Air2. Why they show the iPad Air2 as the best monitor for the Inspire1 and not provide a size that fits it is beyond my comprehension.
Horse for courses maybe. I'm not a fan of the Ipad Air2, I find it too top heavy. I'm a fan of the Ipad mini. It fits the bill for me. Have you thought of making one? Someone had a kit/template to use. I'll see if I can dig it out for you.
Horse for courses maybe. I'm not a fan of the Ipad Air2, I find it too top heavy. I'm a fan of the Ipad mini. It fits the bill for me. Have you thought of making one? Someone had a kit/template to use. I'll see if I can dig it out for you.
Yes, I have made one for iPadAir2. Thanks for your offer. Works great. Easy to copy the smaller one's design. Made it in my brother's garage on a visit to my family in Montana. Fine-tuned my skills with the shade in bright sun at Holter Lake in Wolf Creek where there are no airports within five miles. Nirvana...
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I have a eBay copy that looks pretty close to the same thing. Better than nothing but it requires holding the controller almost face level to avoid the noon day sun. My major complaint is that it seems to act as an insulator holding the heat in from my iPad. If only there was a way to create a back plate that draws heat away instead of holding it in. I have considered running velcro tabs around the back edge of my iPad and attaching a modified shield to them so most of the area on the back is uncovered. I had a "tray" that held my old laptop with a couple of small PC fans powered from the laptop helping dissipate heat. Not mechanically inclined enough to build one, but hopefully someone reading this post will be and market such a device. Maybe as a Secraft transmitter tray ad-on? :rolleyes:
I use a hood man sunshade.. Only issue is the access to the screen which is through a slit at the bottom. you either love it or hate it.
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The dji sunshades both work well for iPhone and iPad. However, I still get glare and have been using a very wide brim hat to cut it. I look a bit foolish but the glare issue is significantly reduced. I've tried a number of options and this seems to work best for me. Being out in the sun all day, it also acts as a form of sunblock.
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The Hoodman Drone Aviator and Extender for iPad Air is the best I've seen, I had the Hoodivision PadHat for over 8 months but the Hoodman is far superior and provides the best anti glare solution in full sunlight.
I just love it-quality gear.
The dji sunshades both work well for iPhone and iPad. However, I still get glare and have been using a very wide brim hat to cut it. I look a bit foolish but the glare issue is significantly reduced. I've tried a number of options and this seems to work best for me. Being out in the sun all day, it also acts as a form of sunblock.
Cool! I am more interested in flying safe than looking stylish. I will find a wide brim-maybe we can start a trend!
I've tried many hoods and all I finding wanting. If someone would just design one without an issue or two that would . Right now, I fly without a hood. Not the best alternative..someone design a great hood,,,please
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Works great on my 9.7 iPad Pro. Great build quality.
Yep, had one of those and it didn't last long. It's 3D printed and it broke at one of the joints.

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