This high flyer is a little over the hill...

If you pop over to the Phantom forums and read all about the problems with the P4 you wouldn't buy one of those either.
Welcome Bruce! I'm a West Yorkshire Inspire v2.0 flyer

.'. /_\ RP /_\ .'.
After much procrastination I decided to buy a new Phantom 3 Professional. I guess getting a refund for my faulty Inspire 1 - due to lack of stock - gave me an opportunity to rethink my plans. Never having flown a drone before I feel I will be much happier learning to fly a drone which costs less than *half the price of an Inspire...

Thanks to all the Inspire pilots who gave me such a warm welcome and sound advice when I joined the forum. I can see that much I have read, here, will be of use with my Phantom. And as I gain confidence flying I suspect I may well be back! Wishing you all trouble-free flying!!!


*(£740 uk sourced)