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tips for duo flying/filming?

Mar 28, 2015
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Hood River Oregon
Wondering if anyone has valuable experience to share when it comes to duo flying and filming. This although seemingly simple can get kinda complex when looking to get the shot and keep the drone safe. thanks
I do a lot of flying with friends and with my camera guy. LOS is very important when flying with someone else. It is very easy to get disoriented if you are trying to look at your camera guys screen. I only use maps while I am flying and someone else is controlling the cam. Also, I like to plan our shots. Talk them out and pre-plan as much as you can. It is much easier to get a good shot if your camera person knows what you are going to do before you do it. Constant communication allows for more dynamic shots because you do not have to just fly straight lines. You can talk allowing them to play off of your moves. Lastly, play with the gimbal modes. It tends to be a bit easier if you keep the cam in free (corrected) mode so the changes in your direction do not affect your partner so much.

Good luck and practice together.
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I do a lot of flying with friends and with my camera guy. LOS is very important when flying with someone else. It is very easy to get disoriented if you are trying to look at your camera guys screen. I only use maps while I am flying and someone else is controlling the cam. Also, I like to plan our shots. Talk them out and pre-plan as much as you can. It is much easier to get a good shot if your camera person knows what you are going to do before you do it. Constant communication allows for more dynamic shots because you do not have to just fly straight lines. You can talk allowing them to play off of your moves. Lastly, play with the gimbal modes. It tends to be a bit easier if you keep the cam in follow mode so the changes in your direction do not affect your partner so much.

Good luck and practice together.

Mazz, your last sentence puzzles me, as I thought it would be easier for the craft to not affect the camera/gimbal if it were in "free" mode, no? In "follow" mode, any yaw by the operator is transmitted to the gimbal.

Edit: Mazz posted correction. :)
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Yeah but as he said if the pilot wants to be able to rely a bit on the image free mode is inappropriate as he's got no idea where the gimbal is pointing. So in some cases follow mode may be better, of course taking the limitations into account.

Basically... practice, practice a lot, and try every combination of settings you can think of to see what works best for you in what scenario.
Communicate constantly. As in: if the chatter going on between pilot and camera operator stops at any point you are probably doing it wrong.

From time to time I have to "snap forward" (programmed on my C1 button) to regain FPV and I'll communicate that in advance so the camera operator knows I'm about to retake camera control, etc.
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Yeah but as he said if the pilot wants to be able to rely a bit on the image free mode is inappropriate as he's got no idea where the gimbal is pointing. So in some cases follow mode may be better, of course taking the limitations into account.

Basically... practice, practice a lot, and try every combination of settings you can think of to see what works best for you in what scenario.

You can see which way the camera is pointing with the cone pointing off the aircraft icon but you still need to "snap forward" sometimes (quite frequently in my limited experience) to regain perspective.
Mazz, your last sentence puzzles me, as I thought it would be easier for the craft to not affect the camera/gimbal if it were in "free" mode, no? In "follow" mode, any yaw by the operator is transmitted to the gimbal.

Follow mode will make it easier for the Pilot (like Kilrah said) while free should make it easier for the camera person. In the end, free may be harder for you but it will take better shots (in my opinion). Also, you are right, that was confusing. I transposed free and follow. I will edit it so it does not confuse anyone else.
hello fellow pilots,
I'm a noob here and just added an inspire to my fleet. Is there a Vtx/fpv combo set up that people suggests besides the one from dlsrPro. I think it's a little to expensive for what it cost...Thanks!
I tried my 5.8GHz Fatshark 250mWatt with Sony 600TVL and that worked very well with my 32channel diversity screen (cheap Chinese no brand), as well as goggles. I made it as removable payload because I don't expect to use it much. The image is basically OK..ish but the movements of the inspire make it a distracting experience, specially with a lot of crosswind, although you see what your bird actually does, which can be a good thing at times.

I think having the map on the PS screen while the gimbal is operated by a separate person looks like the best option. No distraction while you check your telemetry and position, and you have to keep line of sight anyhow.
Thanks Lake_Flyer!
So with your set up are you still able to switch over to the regular camera? And how is it powered? I saw some at a field having a similar set up but borrowing the power from the main battery? He left before I can start asking questions. Anyways, I presently fly that way now with my DiscoPro, in which I have the two camera set up. Nice to see the angle of the quad as to how my gimbal is actually sitting when I'm setting up my shot and if I feel the quad tilting I just center the sticks. Thanks for any feedback!
Thanks Lake_Flyer!
So with your set up are you still able to switch over to the regular camera? And how is it powered? I saw some at a field having a similar set up but borrowing the power from the main battery? He left before I can start asking questions. Anyways, I presently fly that way now with my DiscoPro, in which I have the two camera set up. Nice to see the angle of the quad as to how my gimbal is actually sitting when I'm setting up my shot and if I feel the quad tilting I just center the sticks. Thanks for any feedback!
As I mentioned, I didn't want to mount this permanently, just when needed. So I power everything with one small 3s 12V battery, attached to the back with super strong velcro, the same with the nose camera, also velcro, as well as a bright LED light, all powered by the same battery. The Tx is also velcro'd to the battery. Mounts on and off in seconds. Battery lasts more than 10 flights.
I still keep a view on the app screen on my samsung mobile. Made a large sun hood in which both the FPV screen and the samsung are mounted with.....velcro.

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I think maybe having a spotter following the drone communicating to you by way of a walkie talkie might help. Maybe come up with some code words to help keep communication at a minimum while trying to communicate with the camera operator. Just my opinion though.

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