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Waiver Safety Questions

Jan 22, 2018
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Im applying for a waiver to fly my Inspire2 over a downtown area. The city has asked "Has your UAS has been tested to determine what injury level may occur if the aircraft were to hit a human being?"

I reached out to DJI who says they do not release that information to the public. Has anyone else had to answer this question or would you know where I could find this information besides testing it out myself on a co worker :cool:
Sounds like s city who wants no part of fly overs. I’m sure Frank and company wouldn’t comment on that.
Ain't this permit and wavier thing sweet? Wait until you get hit with the $10 million liability bond, some sort of easement or encroachment request by a sundry department, and the need for the ACORD 25 and naming them insured nonsense. I swear it's easier to go hunting with a gun than using these things legally. :confused:
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Im applying for a waiver to fly my Inspire2 over a downtown area. The city has asked "Has your UAS has been tested to determine what injury level may occur if the aircraft were to hit a human being?"

I reached out to DJI who says they do not release that information to the public. Has anyone else had to answer this question or would you know where I could find this information besides testing it out myself on a co worker :cool:

The simple answer is YES. I have flown in National Forests, arenas with thousands of people, restricted military airspace, and military bases, literally over the flight lines and right over various combat aircraft. So if there is a hoop constructed for the UAS pilot to jump through, Ive done it. Of course Im always waiting for a new one I haven't seen yet, but the good news is that if you conduct yourself professionally, have the data and documents they want, and most importantly, treat the agency as a partner instead of an adversary, the process usually concludes with a flight.

That being said, and referring to your question, a document you can send them is this document at the end. It is a very long and intense report. Very nerdy stuff, but I like that stuff so it a good read for me. Im sure what you're looking for is in it.

There is also am ASTM document that I paid for, that has more good stuff in it.

ASTM Designation: F3178 − 16 Standard Practice for Operational Risk Assessment of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)1

Additionally, every UAS pilot, should be in possession of the risk assessment chart contained in the 107-2 Advisory Circular. Identical to the ASTM chart, but I use it for EVERYTHING! The military uses it, and I watched them as part of a briefing I was in for a LCAC op (landing craft air cushion) and docking inside a moving ship at sea. Every little part of the op was covered including the use of our UAS flown off the deck of it. Once again, the more information you can provide the better, or at least inform them you use a set of criteria and SOPs. There are a lot of posts I read by pilots that think they should be just allowed to launch anywhere and do what they want. Unfortunately, thats just not the reality we live in, and to tell the truth, I happy to take the business away from them.

So a lengthy answer to your question, but I hope it has some value to you and others reading this. Below is the report you can Google.

Good Luck.

Final Report for the FAA UAS Center of Excellence Task A4: UAS Ground Collision Severity Evaluation Revision 2.
Joemandoo, thank a lot for the info on ASTM documents, very helpful even to us pilots outside the USA.

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