I am not a videographer - but I have purchased a few houses, so I offer this feedback from a buyers perspective - I hope it helps.
Nice house. Your first shot without the text overlay has the wrong house in the centre of the screen - this immediately confuses the viewer. Your third also starts on this property in centre screen. This is a more imposing property than the one for sale and its proximity in the aerial shoot makes it look like it physically overshadows the sale property.
The sweeping view of the line of houses does nothing to make the sale property stand out from its neighbours, it has more imposing neighbours. The pan shot should have held the sale house centre screen as the drone physically went from one side to the other. I would recommend going from right to left instead of the left to right shot you did. The large tree on the left (as we look at the front) hides a lot of the property until we are right in front, the tree on the other side is smaller so it gives an earlier and improved view of the property frontage. but I think the sped up video makes the road look very busy, and it is in contrast to the traffic flow on the slower shots - but the fast ones are very early into the fim and have already planted that negative impression. Maybe going even earlier would have reduced the flow of traffic in shot.
A difficult house to film due to the trees and proximity to its neighbours, which has obviously limited your angles. These limitations show in the amount of repitition each of your shots give. Straight down shot of the roof does nothing for the video. I would shorten the sequence - sometimes less is more.
@damoncooper mentioned, seeing the view the potential buyer would see from the house would have helped. It is all about the overall package, especially in a location like that. I know you did a pan at 35 seconds in, but it is lost by of all those cars still in shot driving super speed to and from the city. For a water property, trying to film the water when there is a power cruiser or two in the area would have helped - but unless you have hours or even days, I would be the first to acknowledge that isn't always possible. Maybe an angled overhead of a jogger on the path (not showing the road) to sell that as being on the doorstep.
The straight down on the pool does not help this property- a low angle showing the pool surface and the house beyond may have been preferential.
There are some great shots that give a feel of the true style of the property, especially the closer ones.
It is easy for others to pass comment on your work, especially when we look for utopia. you have already explained some of the difficulties imposed on you. y\ou may feel deflated, but I know if I had filmed the same sequence you would have been able to give me at least double the feedback on areas I could have improved.
Best regards