as much as mainstream television media tries portray anything small, flying with a camera negatively to the uneducated population there really isn't anything to worry about. negative fellow r/c pilots or even the FAA isn't going to in-act laws that will restrict R/c flying, camera or no camera commercially or recreational beyond what we have present day. i think we can thank google maps for it
google has been driving around our streets with their 360 camera since 2007. their satellite view has been around for over a decade. both of those images which are available to anyone complete with corresponding gps coordinates, perfect for someone some missiles and bad intentions if they wanna see it through. this never seems to bother anyone. why not? you can see in people's windows, read addresses, look in back yards and never once hear one negative comment about it from anyone.
the images google puts online for free open to everyone are no different then what we are capturing with our quad copters. the difference is quad copters stand out, draw attention. google's airplanes flying at 50,000 feet taking pictures of your property dont make a sound and no one really sure when it happens. same thing with google street car with the camera on the roof.. it's just 1 car among 100's of millions of other cars, they blend in.
everyone sees a quad copter. they stand out. they are not inconspicuous like googles surveillance systems no one has a problem with. the quad copter is IN YOUR FACE here is someone taking a picture of you plain as day. these amazing new little aircraft are a wake-up call to the general population not desensitized to yet. it's no different then facebook.
the government may try to single us out with re-inventing the definition of a "drone" but in reality it's no different then getting a 30 foot pole with a gopro duck taped to the end of it. or just always have your quad copter connected by a long string, now it's fly by wire and not radio controlled, the rules no longer apply to you now do they? what happens if you film someone committing a crime and your footage gets used to put a criminal behind bars? what then? the law makers know this and puts them in a position when it will cause them more problems then money it could make by passing new legislature.
to bring this spit balling idea full circle i think we are forever connected with google maps earth and street. if they can do it and it's ok then so can a r/c aircraft. i'll end by posing this question. if it becomes illegal for us, how does it stay legal for google and every other camera mounted on a building or on a phone already out there?
google has been driving around our streets with their 360 camera since 2007. their satellite view has been around for over a decade. both of those images which are available to anyone complete with corresponding gps coordinates, perfect for someone some missiles and bad intentions if they wanna see it through. this never seems to bother anyone. why not? you can see in people's windows, read addresses, look in back yards and never once hear one negative comment about it from anyone.
the images google puts online for free open to everyone are no different then what we are capturing with our quad copters. the difference is quad copters stand out, draw attention. google's airplanes flying at 50,000 feet taking pictures of your property dont make a sound and no one really sure when it happens. same thing with google street car with the camera on the roof.. it's just 1 car among 100's of millions of other cars, they blend in.
everyone sees a quad copter. they stand out. they are not inconspicuous like googles surveillance systems no one has a problem with. the quad copter is IN YOUR FACE here is someone taking a picture of you plain as day. these amazing new little aircraft are a wake-up call to the general population not desensitized to yet. it's no different then facebook.
the government may try to single us out with re-inventing the definition of a "drone" but in reality it's no different then getting a 30 foot pole with a gopro duck taped to the end of it. or just always have your quad copter connected by a long string, now it's fly by wire and not radio controlled, the rules no longer apply to you now do they? what happens if you film someone committing a crime and your footage gets used to put a criminal behind bars? what then? the law makers know this and puts them in a position when it will cause them more problems then money it could make by passing new legislature.
to bring this spit balling idea full circle i think we are forever connected with google maps earth and street. if they can do it and it's ok then so can a r/c aircraft. i'll end by posing this question. if it becomes illegal for us, how does it stay legal for google and every other camera mounted on a building or on a phone already out there?