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4K film is poor...

Nov 17, 2014
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As above I've filmed again with various 4K and different film settings and have to say it's poor compared my GPH 4 Black, what am I doing wrong? Grateful for any help.

Cheers Mark
Hard to tell what you're doing wrong when we don't know what you're doing, and to understand what's poor without you saying what you think is. To me the 4K out of the I1 is on par or better than anything I tried that is comparable.
Valid point, thx. OK I've shot in both NTSC and PAL, in 4096x2160@24fps and 30fps and various 1080 settings, custom style - contrast minus 3 - saturation minus 3, colour-LOG, enabled hardware decode. Thx again.
The word 'Poor' is subjective so you will have to be more specific. Are you maybe referring to the way the GoPro crushes blacks and the Inspire doesn't?
What mode are you shooting with the GP and what mode with the Inspire? Log? Custom? Vivid etc
Hello, yes sorry everyone here's 2 clips, the first if the GPH 4 Black and 2nd the I1;
GPH 4 4K@30fps - fisheye removed - GoPro Studio processed - no post editing and exported in UHD 4K
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I1 4k@30fps - custom style - contrast minus 3 - saturation minus 3, colour-LOG, edited and exported with Adobe Premiere Elements 13 (which still is very new to me) - some post editing, still playing with various settings and exported.
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Thanks again for your help, I suppose the Gopro was easy, a point and shoot, this is much like a normal DSLR and it's alright shooting on the ground, there's a bit more to it in the air, just as well I enjoy it. :)
Pardon my directness, but your use of the word "poor" is improper in your subject heading. It should read: "My video is poor..."

In order to get a true sense of comparing the two, try shooting with both at factory default (auto). Do not do any post work on either video, then compare.

I've seen a great deal of video shot with the Inspire 1 and it is absolutely stunning. Period. Please, do not blame the tool. In art school we had a saying: "It is a poor artist who blames his brushes."
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I thought this might be the case - You are shooting with your GoPro in non protune (standard) mode and you are shooting with the Insprie in LOG mode.

You will have to apply some precessing/correction to your Inspire footage as LOG will give you a very flat washed out look on its own.

To get a better comparison, shoot your GoPro in Protune and a standard daylight temp like 5,500k and do the same with the Inspire - Then compare the two.You will find that the GoPro looks washed out as well.
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I1 4k@30fps - custom style - contrast minus 3 - saturation minus 3, colour-LOG
Question #1 is why these settings and what did you want to achieve with them.I see no reason to completely wash out your footage with the -3s on contrast and saturation in addition to LOG.

As said Protune in the GoPro and its LOG equivalent on the I1 are meant to preserve details for future grading, not for footage to look good out of the camera. So unless you can grade to your liking, don't use it - there's nothing wrong with default settings ;)

It's a bit like RAW on a still camera, it will allow to squeeze extra detail the camera's processing may not have revealed... but for that you need to be good enough to firstly redo the camera's work on it, and then some to find the subtle nuances.

The only think I find better on the GP4 is that it seems less noisy, but then I never did a real side by side comparison. Will try to put one on my Phantom at some point.
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I thought this might be the case - You are shooting with your GoPro in non protune (standard) mode and you are shooting with the Insprie in LOG mode.

You will have to apply some precessing/correction to your Inspire footage as LOG will give you a very flat washed out look on its own.

To get a better comparison, shoot your GoPro in Protune and a standard daylight temp like 5,500k and do the same with the Inspire - Then compare the two.You will find that the GoPro looks washed out as well.

OK thank you, I fully understand that now and why LOG is used. Would you enable hardware decode as well? Thanks again and cheers Mark
Question #1 is why these settings and what did you want to achieve with them.I see no reason to completely wash out your footage with the -3s on contrast and saturation in addition to LOG.

As said Protune in the GoPro and its LOG equivalent on the I1 are meant to preserve details for future grading, not for footage to look good out of the camera. So unless you can grade to your liking, don't use it - there's nothing wrong with default settings ;)

It's a bit like RAW on a still camera, it will allow to squeeze extra detail the camera's processing may not have revealed... but for that you need to be good enough to firstly redo the camera's work on it, and then some to find the subtle nuances.

The only think I find better on the GP4 is that it seems less noisy, but then I never did a real side by side comparison. Will try to put one on my Phantom at some point.

Thank you, another excellent explanation. Yes I was guilty of trying to improve the footage without even looking at it first, Thanks again to you and @The Editor, and everyone else who answered, very very helpful, cheers Mark
It's my understanding that 'Hardware Decode' simply offsets processing of the live video to the device hardware, e.g. iPad; I don't believe it has any bearing on recorded video, but could be wrong.

OK, might explain why the videos look better on the iPad than on my PC.
Do not want to start a new thread as such as this has been very informative.

Could anyone explain what the three settings on General Settings-Anti Flicker relate to. Ie obviously Anti Flicker but is there a hard and fast rule of thumb i.e. what does the 50hz Relate to?.When to switch between 50hz,60hz and auto?

Getting to grips with the video aspect of the Inspire 1 but as a first Copter I love it!!!-this is seriously addictive.

Every man needs a hobby........
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Should be set to your country's mains power freq. Unless you plan on filming a screen, which may refresh at 60Hz so you might want to set that even if you're in a 50Hz mains country.
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Thanks for explaining.

Rc Community from what I have found is very helpful and does not look down on people just bitten by the bug!!.
Just a thought but could we not get a "top tips" thread(mods)on camera settings/photo taking etc from people consolidated on here in one thread (mods?)so it is easy to search for when you have that doh moment?
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Do not want to start a new thread as such as this has been very informative.

Could anyone explain what the three settings on General Settings-Anti Flicker relate to. Ie obviously Anti Flicker but is there a hard and fast rule of thumb i.e. what does the 50hz Relate to?.When to switch between 50hz,60hz and auto?

Getting to grips with the video aspect of the Inspire 1 but as a first Copter I love it!!!-this is seriously addictive.

Every man needs a hobby........
The Anti Flicker is a setting for when you are filming under (or near so they are in shot) lighting that is not at a multiple of your native line frequency.

In other words, if you were filming at 25fps and had this set to 50Hz but you where in a country that had 60Hz mains there would be a phase shift between the frame rate and the mains line frequency. This would be evident as flickering in your final video.
For most people it is sufficient to leave it on auto and the processing will detect the artificial light refresh/flicker rate and adjust accordingly.
However, there are instances where manual intervention might be needed (certain types of gas tube lighting, neon signs or screens in shot that have refresh rates differing to their native line frequency - in that instance you may never get rid if a rolling band/flicker showing on the screen)

Hope that helps.
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However, there are instances where manual intervention might be needed (certain types of gas tube lighting, neon signs or screens in shot that have refresh rates differing to their native line frequency - in that instance you may never get rid if a rolling band/flicker showing on the screen)

Hope that helps.
Yeah that really helps. LOL. :rolleyes: Sorry just a warped British sense of humour, hey why is there red wavy line under humour, there it is again. :p

Cheers to all, it's a great thread!!! And a great forum, the other one is so confusing.

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