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Autopilot woes

Jan 14, 2018
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I’ve been using Hangar’s Autopilot for a while now with a MavicPro and a P4P. No major issues and the functionality has been good. However that all changed when I started trying to use it with my Inspire 2. In waypoint missions the camera would eventually find the focus point I’d set but only after waving about like mad thing between focus points. I expected transition between focus points to be smooth, as it is with my other drones, but instead the camera and gimbal seem to lose their way and start searching about before finally figuring out what they should be pointing at. In Cruise mode the camera often strays off the subject and even the slightest amount of stick movement forces the camera to stray off target. It then takes an age to point back to it again. In Zipline mode the I2 reaches it’s start position and then starts slowly yawing for no apparent reason. The gimbal also goes off on one, pointing all over the place. This only corrects after I instruct the drone to fly between zipline points, at which point the camera takes it’s good sweet time finding the focus point, finally finding it after the drone is about halfway between points.

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues similar to this with Autopilot and their I2? As I say it works fine on my other drones, but it doesn’t seem happy controlling the I2 at all. I’m running the app on an iPad Air v2 on iOS 11 and all of my DJI f/w is up to date. Thanks for any help offered.


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