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Crashed my Inspire 1 Pro... so....

Aug 3, 2016
Reaction score
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
I thought I would post my question here at IP because I know it's a friendly, knowledgeable crowd.
2 months ago my Inspire caught a gust of wind and hit a few branches. 2 props snapped and it fell about 10 feet to the ground where one of the arms broke. The unit still powers on, the battery is still being used by my other Inspire 1 and I still can get all the logs and data from it. It's just damaged and unable to fly.
As for the X5 gimble, it's in working order but the lens is badly scratched on the factory DJI MFT 15mm.

I now have a new one but the damaged unit is sitting in the case. I'd like to use the controller from it as the slave camera controller for the new one but other wise the question comes down to this... Is it reasonable to sell this thing for parts (as-is) to someone? I'm not the kind to unrealistically price or see value that isn't there (I noticed there's a lot of that out there), but if I can recover a bit of my costs and provide someone who needs the parts or for repair, then I prefer that.


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I thought I would post my question here at IP because I know it's a friendly, knowledgeable crowd.
2 months ago my Inspire caught a gust of wind and hit a few branches. 2 props snapped and it fell about 10 feet to the ground where one of the arms broke. The unit still powers on, the battery is still being used by my other Inspire 1 and I still can get all the logs and data from it. It's just damaged and unable to fly.
As for the X5 gimble, it's in working order but the lens is badly scratched on the factory DJI MFT 15mm.

I now have a new one but the damaged unit is sitting in the case. I'd like to use the controller from it as the slave camera controller for the new one but other wise the question comes down to this... Is it reasonable to sell this thing for parts (as-is) to someone? I'm not the kind to unrealistically price or see value that isn't there (I noticed there's a lot of that out there), but if I can recover a bit of my costs and provide someone who needs the parts or for repair, then I prefer that.


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Absolutely - there is a market for broken/totalled Inspires and usually an interest in parts.

If you wanted to maximize your value then (although a little more work) strip it down and sell individual parts (the good ones.)
It has been a while for this post, but I would like to know if you still have parts for sale on this inspire one.

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