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Crystal Sky Question [no search result]

Hey all.

Can those who can speak to whether or not it's worth having the Crystal Sky Ultra Brightness versus High Brightness?

I've done a search on this forum and only found many speaking to them loving their ultra bright screens. No one has had both, used both, and objectively mentioned if they are worth it.

As a legitimate business owner, I need to justify if 2000 nits is worth the 300-dollar opportunity cost per single screen.

I personally went for the Ultra right away since I live in Florida and sun here is strong. I prefer to have more brightness and use less than have less and need more!
(Side note, how do you take people?)

To what @Dr. Ifly Drones said, this would open up a door to the question: If the Ultra bright only lasts 1 hour, what does the bright last? One hour is NOT a long time when you consider our remotes can last at least half a day. For a full day shoot you need, what, 5 batteries? This way the first one you use will be done charging by the time your last one is spent.

To what @boefinator said and one additional question for those with this experience, I as do not have it yet:

I understand it's WAY better than any iPad. I currently have an iPad pro I got in anticipation of flying an inspire 2. With the FPV camera on the Inspire 2, I had imagined that having my iPad pro 13" screen would be great for screen real estate because you can easily see the FPV camera view at the size of "almost" an iPhone 6. Is this of no concern?

Again, thank you guys. I've found this community so helpful since I've joined with the few questions I've asked so far.
The Ultra does burn up the batteries quite quickly. I feel like we are getting more than an hour but have not just turned one on and let it run at full brightness until the battery dies. We turn them on and off and adjust the brightness to whatever we need.

While the small Crystal only includes a single battery, both larger sizes include 2 batteries (and extras are $59 - but I am sure you probably had looked that up already). The batteries do charge pretty quick.
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If the Ultra bright only lasts 1 hour, what does the bright last?

I average around 2 hours per battery on the Ultra at full brightness, but can extend it significantly if I turn the brightness down.

I understand it's WAY better than any iPad. I currently have an iPad pro I got in anticipation of flying an inspire 2. With the FPV camera on the Inspire 2, I had imagined that having my iPad pro 13" screen would be great for screen real estate because you can easily see the FPV camera view at the size of "almost" an iPhone 6.

For me, a 13" display is just too big and unwieldy while working. The 8" range works well, and I rarely look at the FPV cam feed. Personal preference though.
I will add that there really was only one reason I went to the CS. Even at it's brightest my iPhone 6+ was very difficult to see in daylight and a visor was mandatory for my vision which, is excellent. Now, if you can see your current screen OK, I'm not sure I would invest the money. In reality the CS is nothing more than a very bright Android tablet.

In addition it has the anti reflective coating which is a huge benefit.
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The Ultra does burn up the batteries quite quickly. I feel like we are getting more than an hour but have not just turned one on and let it run at full brightness until the battery dies. We turn them on and off and adjust the brightness to whatever we need.

While the small Crystal only includes a single battery, both larger sizes include 2 batteries (and extras are $59 - but I am sure you probably had looked that up already). The batteries do charge pretty quick.

Thanks guys! No I had not gone that far to start pricing out all he accessories. But, this is great to hear. I wasn't aware that the brightness was adjustable. I was so fixated on different models offering different levels of brightness, that I simply had this notion that they were fixed at those levels. If you can lower the brightness of the ultra bright to effectively be as bright as 1000 nits, Id most certainly purchase the ultra bright. This way it's there if you need it, but uses the same battery as the others depending on brightness chosen.
You mean all devises or all CS? are all CS anti glare? If that's the case might be able to get away with the lesser brightness model.
I have the large screen regular CS and it's most certainly not an anti-glare or anti reflective screen. I'm actually looking for one of the stick on screen covers for tablets that has that feature to put on the unit.
I have one on my ipad air 2 and it works really well, but in the sun I still have to use a hood, in a overcast or cloudy day I need nothing at all, where the "naked" iPad still was so reflective it was certainly a pita now its usable.
I have one on my ipad air 2 and it works really well, but in the sun I still have to use a hood, in a overcast or cloudy day I need nothing at all, where the "naked" iPad still was so reflective it was certainly a pita now its usable.
The reflections detract from the brightness just slightly, more of an annoyance than anything else.
(Side note, how do you take people?)

To what @Dr. Ifly Drones said, this would open up a door to the question: If the Ultra bright only lasts 1 hour, what does the bright last? One hour is NOT a long time when you consider our remotes can last at least half a day. For a full day shoot you need, what, 5 batteries? This way the first one you use will be done charging by the time your last one is spent.

To what @boefinator said and one additional question for those with this experience, I as do not have it yet:

I understand it's WAY better than any iPad. I currently have an iPad pro I got in anticipation of flying an inspire 2. With the FPV camera on the Inspire 2, I had imagined that having my iPad pro 13" screen would be great for screen real estate because you can easily see the FPV camera view at the size of "almost" an iPhone 6. Is this of no concern?

Again, thank you guys. I've found this community so helpful since I've joined with the few questions I've asked so far.

I would always like a bigger screen....that being said, I would rather have one that I can see, without a shade, but I'm not flying for aerial cinematography so your experience and needs might be different.
I will offer up my opinion. I looked at both before going with the CrystalSky (non-ultra). All things being equal, the ultra is noticeably brighter but, even my 61yo eyes see the regular CrystalSky just fine. Also note that while not a huge issue to me but, perhaps for some is, the Ultra will eat a battery much faster than a regular CS. If $ is no object, go for biggest and brightest. From a business perspective you need to think about service cycle (what a nightmare with DJI) and ROI. You can bet DJI will launch the "CrystalSky Supernova" shortly after you purchase whatever is going to be your choice and cut the value of what you have by 50% within a year. With the advancement of the state of the science and art of UAVs moving so rapidly at present, you are catching a falling knife no matter what.
A truer statement about DJI has never been spoken more eloquently!! Just about the time I think I have the latest update/product from them I see the newer version comes out at a much better price! Isn’t that the way technology works?
Thanks guys! No I had not gone that far to start pricing out all he accessories. But, this is great to hear. I wasn't aware that the brightness was adjustable. I was so fixated on different models offering different levels of brightness, that I simply had this notion that they were fixed at those levels. If you can lower the brightness of the ultra bright to effectively be as bright as 1000 nits, Id most certainly purchase the ultra bright. This way it's there if you need it, but uses the same battery as the others depending on brightness chosen.
Yes - that is exactly correct - you can dim them as you prefer. Especially flying in lower light conditions you will find you need to turn the brightness way down.
Yes - that is exactly correct - you can dim them as you prefer. Especially flying in lower light conditions you will find you need to turn the brightness way down.
I don't know how (don't care much either), but my CS Ultra adjust brightness automatically and properly in respect to measured ambient light. Where are the settings to control brightness behavior, just in case I'll ever need to?
There is one ultimate question of which the answer will make this decision for you.
Will you ever need to fly while wearing sunglasses?

But caveat emptor!

DJI is "new" to providing direct support for
The Android world and there are currently SW issues, Ok so no surprise there. It must be noted that DJI Ground Station Pro and Pilot App are not currently supported on the CS Android and who knows when? So your favorite third party apps are also trying to play catch up, for instance Litchi, Kittyhawk and all others, but these 2 have at least stated that they are working on getting ported onto the CS display.
There is one ultimate question of which the answer will make this decision for you.
Will you ever need to fly while wearing sunglasses?

But caveat emptor!

DJI is "new" to providing direct support for
The Android world and there are currently SW issues, Ok so no surprise there. It must be noted that DJI Ground Station Pro and Pilot App are not currently supported on the CS Android and who knows when? So your favorite third party apps are also trying to play catch up, for instance Litchi, Kittyhawk and all others, but these 2 have at least stated that they are working on getting ported onto the CS display.
I can answer part of that: I have worn sunglasses and used the CS large screen regular brightness monitor without issue.
Yes but the intent of the answer to that question is that other devices cannot always be seen clearly enough to be used with sunglasses, ie. cell phones, tablets, PC et. with or without glare protector or UV blockers.

And you are absolutely correct, the CS can easily be used while wearing sunglasses and not using a display hood. I have the CS Ultra Bright version. So if you are faced with flying and having to wear sunglasses the the CS is your best current solution with second place options rarely being able to perform near as well.
I don't know how (don't care much either), but my CS Ultra adjust brightness automatically and properly in respect to measured ambient light. Where are the settings to control brightness behavior, just in case I'll ever need to?
In the settings menu you can customize the C1/C2 buttons to however you want them. And also the auto brightness feature takes care of it most of the time anyway.

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