Well it happened...and it scared the sh*t out of me. Today was beautiful, sunny, with a slight breeze. I was up about 280 ft. and a little under 2000 ft away. Line of sight was good but I would go any further. Then, without warning, the connection was lost, screen went black and I was like "you've got to be kidding". I activated the "Oh Sh*t Button" (was hoping I would never have to use the RTH) and after a long 45 seconds (which seemed like 45 minutes...she came back. I was working off of 17 satellites and battery was at approx 50%. I'm glad I took the time to do the pre-flight inspections, calibrated the compass and made sure my home point was locked. I noticed a large cell/radio tower approx. 1/4 further east of the point where I disconnected....I assume that caused the interference. I had all the bars showing on the rc leading up to that point. It was a definite immediate loss of signal. Only thing I can say is.........RTH worked like a charm! I hope I never have to use it again