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Fly away with my money

May 4, 2015
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Most of you know, I had a little mishap with my bird.

This thread will be a journey, while I attempt to have it repaired.

April 7th. Received my shiny new toy.
April 8th. Charged, updated, calibrated. A few short flights around the yard.
April 9th. Head out to an open field for some fun!
One short flight. Ok. Next flight, it does a fly away, and crashes into a farmers field. Broken camera, props, and tweaked the landing gear.

April 11th. An hour on hold... Spoke to DJI. They told me to send it back, they would repair it. Said they would be sending me an email with all the information. Told me 6 weeks turnaround.

April 12th. Still no email, and there call centre is overloaded, not taking anyone into the hold que.

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Hey Kenny!!
I feel your pain brother!!
Was on hold 5 hours and two 70 mile trips (I live in the hills) to get my inspire shipped out..
Took a week just to get the right paper work to send it in..
That was when they said it was a three week turnaround..
Anyway ..just try and chill !! Time will pass and you'll have it back and life will be good and in time this will be a distant memory..
This is just how it goes so don't take it personally!!
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Threads like these worry me a lot!

I received mine yesterday and have spent lots of time getting used to all of the features, settings and everything else it has to offer. Not flown it yet!

But I am quite worried to actually get it in the air! Supposed to be exciting, not worrying!

Might just send it back and save myself the bother and loss.
Threads like these worry me a lot!

I received mine yesterday and have spent lots of time getting used to all of the features, settings and everything else it has to offer. Not flown it yet!

But I am quite worried to actually get it in the air! Supposed to be exciting, not worrying!

Might just send it back and save myself the bother and loss.
some do..
Just depends on how you're built..
I went through the ringer with dji LA and still love my inspire !!
Life is full of risks !! Some people take more than others!!
But with no risk comes no reward IMO!!
Like I said go to a place where theres plenty of room and go fly!!
make sure you understand how to calibrate your compass correctly and you are going to be good!!
If once you launch it let it hover in GPS and watch how its flying..
If it hovers in place then go out and up about 100 feet and activate your rth button on your controller ..it should turn around and head your direction ..then cancel the rth by pressing the button on the controller and fly..
Keep it with your site so if it does something funny you'll be able to make a correction and land..
Keep in mind there are many thousands of inspires flying out there right now and you're only hearing about a few having problems!!
And again the most important thing is a good compass calibration!!
This is the root of most of the issues and pilot error or lack of skill come next..
Threads like these worry me a lot!

I received mine yesterday and have spent lots of time getting used to all of the features, settings and everything else it has to offer. Not flown it yet!

But I am quite worried to actually get it in the air! Supposed to be exciting, not worrying!

Might just send it back and save myself the bother and loss.

Thought the same thing about guns, now I own allot.. They're on the NEWS EVERYDAY.. Shootings, murders, well you catching the drift... Just live buddy, take risks and take no ****, enjoy life.. Fly that Raging Raptor and Have Fun[emoji6]! Risks, it's everyday life!!!!!
Ya man I don't!! But I've tried to help you and you're not happy!!

I am happy with the help ! Dont get me wrong. Im pretty easy going. I appreciate everything.

Just a little amazed at the turnaround time. Also, the fact that dealers cant service.
This soon into ownership, should dictate an exchange. Charge me for another one, and the broken one will be on its way. Refund when you get it ?

Im good !!
I think you got a bad unit after working with u to figure out what happened..
Also did anyone else try and help you???

A few did !!! I appreciate everyones help ! ( except DJI )
Even my dealer said i should just send it to him... Wouldnt be warranty, but at least it would get me back in the air sooner !
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I try and help where I can ..
I certainly don't know everything!!
I don't get anything in return but satisfaction from helping a fellow pilot out..
I'm trying to give you some positive energy and some guidance to help you through your journey..
Yes I'd ask for a return from your dealer!!
This is why I use copter shop and amazon!!
A good supplier should take care of you !!
Anyway..I got stuff to do.,.
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3 days. I had it for 3 days.

Did you learn how to fly it properly first?
Did you check weather conditions? Was there a storm coming? Electrical interference from storms can play havoc with the GPS.
Be sure you fully test it at low altitudes first.
Do you know what to do in case of a fly away?
Sounds like you didn't. Not knocking you as we all want to fly these things.
A rule of thumb in a fly away, is to get it up high and fast so you have time to work with it. Usually the GPS signal will return especially if the bird is at altitude, free from ground interference.
Then you should be able to control it again. DO NOT use RTH unless you absolutely cannot find it.

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I'm not sure where it sounded like I did anything incorrectly.
I do believe mine was an odd situation.

I was in beginner mode, learning how to fly it.
I took off, and immediately it took of on its own.
No storms, wide open field.
The flight was less than a minute, and it violated the distance set in beginner mode.

It landed 650 feet away. Would not respond to any stick commands.

I did speak to my dealer, asking about a return.
He declined.

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Papers all filled out ! Big box to UPS tomorrow ! DJI even covering shipping !

Big thank you to all that helped !
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Thought the same thing about guns, now I own allot.. They're on the NEWS EVERYDAY.. Shootings, murders, well you catching the drift... Just live buddy, take risks and take no ****, enjoy life.. Fly that Raging Raptor and Have Fun[emoji6]! Risks, it's everyday life!!!!!

Pew Pew Pew...
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