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HD Video "Low Signal Warning" when 500m + out

I was in the desert with wide open spaces and about 80m high. The antennas were facing the right direction. The same thing happens locally too maybe I need to attach a long string to it. :confused:

Also its just the video. The RC signal is fine.
The app should not blur the video. What iPad are you using? Dont use too many background activity apps and enable hardware decoding. Are the antennas positioned correctly?
I use a Samsung pro 8.4 and I only use this for the Inspire,so nothing else is on it.Antenna's are in the right position.IWhen it happens the app shows a little blurring and after this everything is ok.The only thing is that the button which is red during recording turns into white,so I have to start the recording again.
But I hope that it will be better after all the upgrading.Have to check this,but I can only fly in the weekend(to dark when coming home),but last 2 weekends way too much wind.
I am seeing dropped video on 2nd remote? My flight remote will continue seeing signal but the camera remote seems to drop video pretty often SHORT distances away. Also seeing complete drop when I1 comes to a quick stop, as if the gimbal moves and isnt making secure connection... This stops record when it happens.
I am seeing dropped video on 2nd remote? My flight remote will continue seeing signal but the camera remote seems to drop video pretty often SHORT distances away. Also seeing complete drop when I1 comes to a quick stop, as if the gimbal moves and isnt making secure connection... This stops record when it happens.

Try to loosen the two screws on the gimbal board, just a tad.

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