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how to pre-load maps???

Feb 21, 2015
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Cypress, Texas
I am currently using an iPad mini (WIFI only) version for my Inspire 1! Obviously I turn everything into airplane mode as suggested, so how would I load maps for a location I am planning to fly at, so that while I am flying i don't see a blank screen at my location on the map??? Since I have a WIFI only version, I also can't load the specific area up while I am on location unless for some crazy reason I had WIFI in the area, and then switched to Airplane mode. So how do I pre-load maps for an area I plan to fly in...???


Get on WIFI before you go out.... get the map you want, go to the setting that says cache map and you're done. And search the Forum...

How do you cache a map & save it of different locations on iPad mini wifi only then retrieve it when you need to use location saved cheers Lui
In the app under "General Settings" (gear symbol) go to "Turn on map caching." Note: You need to have WiFi access or cellular, if you have a cellular model. Go to the area you wish to save in map mode and use lowest range that you wish to view to get greatest detail. Pan around to be sure to get all of the area you need. The area you view in the app while caching will be saved for use in the field.
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Get on WIFI before you go out.... get the map you want, go to the setting that says cache map and you're done. And search the Forum...

How do you cache a map & save it of different locations on iPad mini wifi only then retrieve it when you need to use location saved cheers Lui
In the app under "General Settings" (gear symbol) go to "Turn on map caching." Note: You need to have WiFi access or cellular, if you have a cellular model. Go to the area you wish to save in map mode and use lowest range that you wish to view to get greatest detail. Pan around to be sure to get all of the area you need. The area you view in the app while caching will be saved for use in the field.

I actually did this, and searched the forum for this answer. I tried doing this step in my iPad and it still didn't work. I must have some kind of a bug in my app…?
OK... When you have the map loaded in the App while on WiFi all is good.... Correct?

Then you go to the setting and click on it. Then go back to the camera screen and it's still there... Correct?

Then turn off WiFi on the iPad.... Close the App and open it again... There is no map?
I actually did this, and searched the forum for this answer. I tried doing this step in my iPad and it still didn't work. I must have some kind of a bug in my app…?

I don't know if your problem is the same as mine, but my problem is the craptastic Apple Maps itself. There's nothing to cache, because you have to zoom out to the level of the entire town just to get a badly pixelated map. If I zoom into anything useful, I get repeating "Not Available" symbols.

DJI really, really needs to give us the option to use Google Maps. Most of the rural areas near me are missing detailed data.
Would really like to be able to store a library of maps for the App to use so when I fly in different areas I don't have to get online.....
OK... When you have the map loaded in the App while on WiFi all is good.... Correct?

Then you go to the setting and click on it. Then go back to the camera screen and it's still there... Correct?

Then turn off WiFi on the iPad.... Close the App and open it again... There is no map?

Yes, I believe this is what is happening...???
Would really like to be able to store a library of maps for the App to use so when I fly in different areas I don't have to get online.....
Ya, in google maps, on android, you can save maps for off line use, no need to cache.
See http://www.inspirepilots.com/index.php?posts/13085
I don't know if your problem is the same as mine, but my problem is the craptastic Apple Maps itself. There's nothing to cache, because you have to zoom out to the level of the entire town just to get a badly pixelated map. If I zoom into anything useful, I get repeating "Not Available" symbols.

DJI really, really needs to give us the option to use Google Maps. Most of the rural areas near me are missing detailed data.

Enjoy life and be nice
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Gentlemen, you need to be connected to the Inspire and have a GPS signal for it to determine where you are and it will pull up the map. As far as Google maps goes I am not sure if that will ever happen in the iOS version of the App. I do know in some areas of the world the Apple maps are less than useful. Have you thought about using an Android device. Their version of the App uses Google maps. Just a thought.
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Gentlemen, you need to be connected to the Inspire and have a GPS signal for it to determine where you are and it will pull up the map. As far as Google maps goes I am not sure if that will ever happen in the iOS version of the App. I do know in some areas of the world the Apple maps are less than useful. Have you thought about using an Android device. Their version of the App uses Google maps. Just a thought.

Hi Ed

Yes, I'm normally all Android (except for a half-dozen testing devices), but this was my first iPad, which I bought exclusively for the Inspire. I like it otherwise, just can't use the Map option of the Pilot app most of the time. But I'll wait to see how much of a pain it becomes...

I do know that iOS developers can utilize the Google Maps API in an app instead of Apple Maps, but I guess that means the Pilot app would need to detect the presence of Google Maps, then give the option. Not an iOS developer, so I'm not exactly sure how that would be done.
DJI really, really needs to give us the option to use Google Maps. Most of the rural areas near me are missing detailed data.
I agree. here where i live its only black \ white map on Apple. Already spoke to DJI Live Chat and they are going to send the suggestion to the app technician, so finger cross :)
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I agree. here where i live its only black \ white map on Apple. Already spoke to DJI Live Chat and they are going to send the suggestion to the app technician, so finger cross :)

Here's an idea: We set up an area of the forum where we can post a problem area, then maybe as many forum members as possible could "Report a problem" from the Apple Maps app... Maybe if enough people report it, Apple will start caring, although since their maps are all 3rd party, I'm not sure if that would accomplish much... :(
I am currently using an iPad mini (WIFI only) version for my Inspire 1! Obviously I turn everything into airplane mode as suggested, so how would I load maps for a location I am planning to fly at, so that while I am flying i don't see a blank screen at my location on the map??? Since I have a WIFI only version, I also can't load the specific area up while I am on location unless for some crazy reason I had WIFI in the area, and then switched to Airplane mode. So how do I pre-load maps for an area I plan to fly in...???



Sorry for hijacking your post Clint... Is it a definite black screen you're seeing, or are you zoomed in too far on an area with no Apple Maps coverage? Does the same area show up in Apple Maps app at the level you're trying to zoom in?
I use my iPhone 6plus for my inspire I turn airplane mode on and wifi off but have not had any issues with maps disappearing only setting I changed was turning the cash option on has your apple been updated?

Here's an idea: We set up an area of the forum where we can post a problem area, then maybe as many forum members as possible could "Report a problem" from the Apple Maps app... Maybe if enough people report it, Apple will start caring, although since their maps are all 3rd party, I'm not sure if that would accomplish much... :(
Or we (this fourm) can contact Apple and tell them that we can make a better detailed map for them. :P Imagine thounsands of Inspire captuings images and put them together. Probably wouldn't cover much, but still better than we have now! :p
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Sorry for hijacking your post Clint... Is it a definite black screen you're seeing, or are you zoomed in too far on an area with no Apple Maps coverage? Does the same area show up in Apple Maps app at the level you're trying to zoom in?

No worries at all! i'm just glad to see I am not the only one with the issues and hopefully DJI is working on a fix with the app. no matter how many times I switch the cache button back and forth and load maps with WIFI, as soon as I go into airplane mode my maps are gone! mine usually turns a grayish color, showing only the grid lines and my aircraft in the middle, but that's it...!???
Gentlemen, you need to be connected to the Inspire and have a GPS signal for it to determine where you are and it will pull up the map. As far as Google maps goes I am not sure if that will ever happen in the iOS version of the App. I do know in some areas of the world the Apple maps are less than useful. Have you thought about using an Android device. Their version of the App uses Google maps. Just a thought.
I have tried using an android for flying but have hit a bit of a design flaw as far as I can see. I am using a Samsung Galaxy pro 10.1 which just fits in the cradle. However the USB port is slap bang in the center of the bottom edge of the cradle. The slot in the cradle is not wide enough to allow me to connect the USB cable. If I move the tablet to one side it becomes totally unbalanced and worse still if I move it right then the clamp comes down squarely on the power button.
Gentlemen, you need to be connected to the Inspire and have a GPS signal for it to determine where you are and it will pull up the map. As far as Google maps goes I am not sure if that will ever happen in the iOS version of the App. I do know in some areas of the world the Apple maps are less than useful. Have you thought about using an Android device. Their version of the App uses Google maps. Just a thought.

The biggest issue is the differences between the apps. If the apps both offered the same functionality (Inspire interface options) overall operation, layout, sub menus etc it would be a different story. The challenge here is, for example I have somebody helping me with my video settings etc however he is on IOS and I am on Android and it makes walk thru's nearly impossible (Histogram, cough). I am still not sure why there is such differences between the apps.

As far as Android vs IOS map capability Unless I link up my tablet to a hot spot thru my phone (that's IF I am where I can get cell service) I have spent more times than others filming with a blank map.

You had mentioned that the controller and the Inspire have to be on when you have connection to internet to get map updates but if I recall correctly we are also instructed and suggested to have out devices in Airplane mode before we turn everything on so there is no interference? there has to be a less convoluted and confusing way to accomplish this without having possible interference issues.

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