So After the 1.9 firmware upgrade, all was ok, had a warning about sensor, and it rose once, but landed ok. I changed battery, it shot the job ok.
That was last week.
Until this morning. Weather has been shocking. Great day today, so got up early, check the craft software etc. Checked the IMU and did a stick calibration.
At site, usual preflight procedures, performed Compass calibration, checked & formatted sd card etc. Started motors, set home point, finished camera checks, then took of manually to about 2m. let go of sticks, and it still drifted up, landing gear stayed in down position. Touched the down stick to stop the drift, and the craft started to descend, let go of stick, and it still drifted down slowly. It then shot up, by its self, fast. I pulled the down stick to stop the ascent. In then went down fast. I steadied it at about 1.5 to 2 m, and set about landing. All though this the landing gear it down, and i have issued no command to raise it.
About 0.5m from landing, the landing gear then raised by itself, then landed on the X5 camera, even though I had stopped pulling the stick.
I killed the motors, and went to take a picture (attached)
As I started to take the picture, the land gear then started to lower, again by itself, with no command from the transmitter.
What is going on? Have commercial jobs this week, and cant trust the Inspire 1 Pro in this state.
I have tried to down grade the firmware to V1.8, as people have suggested, but now the craft will not accept any firmware files, and leaves no text reports when you try.
Im stuck, can anyone help?
I attached footage from the inspire, The flight record from app & picture ... hnxzlWMXKrZR4a?dl=0
That was last week.
Until this morning. Weather has been shocking. Great day today, so got up early, check the craft software etc. Checked the IMU and did a stick calibration.
At site, usual preflight procedures, performed Compass calibration, checked & formatted sd card etc. Started motors, set home point, finished camera checks, then took of manually to about 2m. let go of sticks, and it still drifted up, landing gear stayed in down position. Touched the down stick to stop the drift, and the craft started to descend, let go of stick, and it still drifted down slowly. It then shot up, by its self, fast. I pulled the down stick to stop the ascent. In then went down fast. I steadied it at about 1.5 to 2 m, and set about landing. All though this the landing gear it down, and i have issued no command to raise it.
About 0.5m from landing, the landing gear then raised by itself, then landed on the X5 camera, even though I had stopped pulling the stick.
I killed the motors, and went to take a picture (attached)
As I started to take the picture, the land gear then started to lower, again by itself, with no command from the transmitter.
What is going on? Have commercial jobs this week, and cant trust the Inspire 1 Pro in this state.
I have tried to down grade the firmware to V1.8, as people have suggested, but now the craft will not accept any firmware files, and leaves no text reports when you try.
Im stuck, can anyone help?
I attached footage from the inspire, The flight record from app & picture ... hnxzlWMXKrZR4a?dl=0