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Inspire 1 Pro Firmware Nightmare v. & Craft crash

Jul 30, 2015
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So After the 1.9 firmware upgrade, all was ok, had a warning about sensor, and it rose once, but landed ok. I changed battery, it shot the job ok.
That was last week.
Until this morning. Weather has been shocking. Great day today, so got up early, check the craft software etc. Checked the IMU and did a stick calibration.
At site, usual preflight procedures, performed Compass calibration, checked & formatted sd card etc. Started motors, set home point, finished camera checks, then took of manually to about 2m. let go of sticks, and it still drifted up, landing gear stayed in down position. Touched the down stick to stop the drift, and the craft started to descend, let go of stick, and it still drifted down slowly. It then shot up, by its self, fast. I pulled the down stick to stop the ascent. In then went down fast. I steadied it at about 1.5 to 2 m, and set about landing. All though this the landing gear it down, and i have issued no command to raise it.
About 0.5m from landing, the landing gear then raised by itself, then landed on the X5 camera, even though I had stopped pulling the stick.
I killed the motors, and went to take a picture (attached)
As I started to take the picture, the land gear then started to lower, again by itself, with no command from the transmitter.
What is going on? Have commercial jobs this week, and cant trust the Inspire 1 Pro in this state.
I have tried to down grade the firmware to V1.8, as people have suggested, but now the craft will not accept any firmware files, and leaves no text reports when you try.
Im stuck, can anyone help?
I attached footage from the inspire, The flight record from app & picturehttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/ya5ez ... hnxzlWMXKrZR4a?dl=0
So After the 1.9 firmware upgrade, all was ok, had a warning about sensor, and it rose once, but landed ok. I changed battery, it shot the job ok.
That was last week.
Until this morning. Weather has been shocking. Great day today, so got up early, check the craft software etc. Checked the IMU and did a stick calibration.
At site, usual preflight procedures, performed Compass calibration, checked & formatted sd card etc. Started motors, set home point, finished camera checks, then took of manually to about 2m. let go of sticks, and it still drifted up, landing gear stayed in down position. Touched the down stick to stop the drift, and the craft started to descend, let go of stick, and it still drifted down slowly. It then shot up, by its self, fast. I pulled the down stick to stop the ascent. In then went down fast. I steadied it at about 1.5 to 2 m, and set about landing. All though this the landing gear it down, and i have issued no command to raise it.
About 0.5m from landing, the landing gear then raised by itself, then landed on the X5 camera, even though I had stopped pulling the stick.
I killed the motors, and went to take a picture (attached)
As I started to take the picture, the land gear then started to lower, again by itself, with no command from the transmitter.
What is going on? Have commercial jobs this week, and cant trust the Inspire 1 Pro in this state.
I have tried to down grade the firmware to V1.8, as people have suggested, but now the craft will not accept any firmware files, and leaves no text reports when you try.
Im stuck, can anyone help?
I attached footage from the inspire, The flight record from app & picturehttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/ya5ez ... hnxzlWMXKrZR4a?dl=0
Well I certainly wouldn't have performed a compass calibration but then I never do unless mod values require it, however, that's up to you.

Anyway, v1.9.1.21 should be released shortly that will specifically address this issue.
In the mean time I would recommend downgrade to v1.8 until the fix is made available publically.
There is currently a barometer issue in the current firmware that affects some aircraft on some flights but not all.
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Well I certainly wouldn't have performed a compass calibration but then I never do unless mod values require it, however, that's up to you.

Anyway, v1.9.1.21 should be released shortly that will specifically address this issue.
In the mean time I would recommend downgrade to v1.8 until the fix is made available publically.
There is currently a barometer issue in the current firmware that affects some aircraft on some flights but not all.
I hear you, I have been trying to downgrade the Firmware all night, and no joy. Down load the firmware, extract the file on SD card. Put it in the X5 camera, with the transmitter off, and it just sits there. Green light on the camera, no upgrade/down in progress. Any ideas?
I hear you, I have been trying to downgrade the Firmware all night, and no joy. Down load the firmware, extract the file on SD card. Put it in the X5 camera, with the transmitter off, and it just sits there. Green light on the camera, no upgrade/down in progress. Any ideas?
If you haven't done so already.......
Make sure the MicroSD is freshly formatted (I prefer to do it in camera as this sets up the correct folder structure on the card).
Then remove the card, put it in your PC and copy the v1.8 bin file onto it.
Put it back in your camera and fire up the aircraft.
It should work without doing anything more than that.
If you haven't done so already.......
Make sure the MicroSD is freshly formatted (I prefer to do it in camera as this sets up the correct folder structure on the card).
Then remove the card, put it in your PC and copy the v1.8 bin file onto it.
Put it back in your camera and fire up the aircraft.
It should work without doing anything more than that.

Thanks again. Thats what it should do, and have been trying to achieve all night. Its almost as if it locked out. Yet when you go through the DJIGO app, there are no errors, no update requests, and the ABOUT register shows that all up-to date. Yet when you try and fly..............
Thanks again. Thats what it should do, and have been trying to achieve all night. Its almost as if it locked out. Yet when you go through the DJIGO app, there are no errors, no update requests, and the ABOUT register shows that all up-to date. Yet when you try and fly..............
You do have the app connected to the Internet yes? - that way it reads off what the most recent FW version isnfrom DJI servers. However, in any case it should still downgrade.
Crazy as it may sound, have you tried different MicroSD cards?
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You do have the app connected to the Internet yes? - that way it reads off what the most recent FW version isnfrom DJI servers. However, in any case it should still downgrade.
Crazy as it may sound, have you tried different MicroSD cards?

Yes, app connected, and tried 5 different sdcards, 1 brand new out -of-packet Sandisk Extreme Pro. Just wish there was a rest all button on these..... or is there?
Yes, app connected, and tried 5 different sdcards, 1 brand new out -of-packet Sandisk Extreme Pro. Just wish there was a rest all button on these..... or is there?
Hmmmmm......OK, there IS a force update option that will force the Inspire to go into update mode but obviously, usual caveats.....
You use this at your own risk and I didn't tell you to do/try this etc. :p
OK, load up your 1.8 firmware on the card and have it inserted in your camera etc.
Press and hold the red bind button (behind the nose) and keep it pressed while turning on the aircraft.
After the aircraft has booted, release the red button?
Your Inspire should go into forced update (downgrade) mode and read the bin file on the card.
Hmmmmm......OK, there IS a force update option that will force the Inspire to go into update mode but obviously, usual caveats.....
You use this at your own risk and I didn't tell you to do/try this etc. :p
OK, load up your 1.8 firmware on the card and have it inserted in your camera etc.
Press and hold the red bind button (behind the nose) and keep it pressed while turning on the aircraft.
After the aircraft has booted, release the red button?
Your Inspire should go into forced update (downgrade) mode and read the bin file on the card.
Thanks for that.
Bit of an update. I use mac. I just pinched my sons window laptop, down loaded the bin, extracted, just put it into the bird, and its in firmware mode!
So is this all an Apple issue? interested to see if the firmware issue is from an apple download, or if I'm clutching at straws.
Thanks for that.
Bit of an update. I use mac. I just pinched my sons window laptop, down loaded the bin, extracted, just put it into the bird, and its in firmware mode!
So is this all an Apple issue? interested to see if the firmware issue is from an apple download, or if I'm clutching at straws.
Fingers crossed - let us know how you get on.
holding off on the upgrade due to the issues mentioned here. is the 3 day flight limit still active in the Inspire? Activated WiFi on my iPad yesterday which prompted me to upgrade the FW, just wondering if the 72 hour countdown to "grounded" has started.
Thanks for that.
Bit of an update. I use mac. I just pinched my sons window laptop, down loaded the bin, extracted, just put it into the bird, and its in firmware mode!
So is this all an Apple issue? interested to see if the firmware issue is from an apple download, or if I'm clutching at straws.
Hi, I've always used a Mac and have had the same problem and couldn't do the downgrade to V1.8. So I tried downloading V1.8 on to an SD from a PC Laptop, and it DID do the downgrade on my Inspire 1 Pro. I still unfortunately have the same issue as before (like your original post), so it hasn't rectified mine. I tried updating it back to V1.9, then back to V1.8, but still no luck. It still wont go into Travel Mode, doesnt detect when Gimbal is removed, and the VPS doesn't seem to be working???
holding off on the upgrade due to the issues mentioned here. is the 3 day flight limit still active in the Inspire? Activated WiFi on my iPad yesterday which prompted me to upgrade the FW, just wondering if the 72 hour countdown to "grounded" has started.
What 3 day flight limit?
What 'countdown to grounded'?
Are you talking about an area unlocked using Geo or something else?
There has never been a limit on when you must update firmware.
There are users on here using firmware that is a year out old with no issues.
You are not grounded if you do not update your firmware and never have been.
Thanks for all replies, and advise. Here's an update on the Firmware issues etc.
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I did my update with a PC. And new firmware did not work well for me at all.

Update - I flew on the lake yesterday. Initialized everything from a pontoon boat. After preflight checklist and everything, the app was on with camera view but it said "Disconnected" at the top left of app. Rebooted everything and all seemed ok. Took off from the boat, flew around filming 4th of July festivities before it got dark, and then I noticed that I had plenty of battery life and told the boat driver to go ahead and drive back to the house dock we came from and I would fly back. About 80ft away from dock, I noticed the LED blinking red on the bird. I look back down at the app and it says its going to return to home in 10, 9, 8... canceled it and landing it on the boat quickly. After landing, my app still said 38% battery left.... this is the 3rd time ive almost had a heart attack from this **** drone..
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I did my update with a PC. And new firmware did not work well for me at all.

Update - I flew on the lake yesterday. Initialized everything from a pontoon boat. After preflight checklist and everything, the app was on with camera view but it said "Disconnected" at the top left of app. Rebooted everything and all seemed ok. Took off from the boat, flew around filming 4th of July festivities before it got dark, and then I noticed that I had plenty of battery life and told the boat driver to go ahead and drive back to the house dock we came from and I would fly back. About 80ft away from dock, I noticed the LED blinking red on the bird. I look back down at the app and it says its going to return to home in 10, 9, 8... canceled it and landing it on the boat quickly. After landing, my app still said 38% battery left.... this is the 3rd time ive almost had a heart attack from this **** drone..
Wow, scary stuff. How was the footage??

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