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Inspire 2 or Phantom 4 Pro- Five Reasons Not To Buy An Inspire 2.

Nov 9, 2016
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The Inspire 2, which made its debut in November 2016, is the second generation of the Inspire 1. The Inspire 1, for the record, is a mighty machine but hasn’t had any significant updates since 2014. The new Inspire 2 looks very impressive with a bunch of new cool features and awesome camera. Even so, today is different. We are going to bring up 5 reasons why not to buy an Inspire 2! Yes, Inspire fanboys might find themselves experiencing butthurt. While I want to assure you that I’m aware of all the advantages of Inspire 2 aircraft. Today’s topic is all about the disadvantages. So let’s get started:

inspire 2.jpg
Erm... i will not buy inspire 2

If ..

1st. I have not enougg money..
2nd. easy carry travel around
3rd. nah ... phantom 4 camera is good enougg for me...
4th. mostly i fly for hobby not heavliy use for commercial...
5th. side sensor ? lol
The main reason I won't go for a I2 is the beta stage that it will be in, for at least 1.5 years, with constant updates. I'm glad it uses a newer GO 4.x app that isn't compatible with the I1. GO 3.x will not be updated much anymore, since DJI wants us all to get an I2.

Finally the I1 becomes the craft that just does what it was supposed to do, and remains current, without the need to constantly check firmwares and app version, or having to perform test flights monthly, sometimes weekly.

I don't need object avoidance. I always have to fly VLOS. Second battery is cool though. The better camera would be the only reason I will probably finally upgrade to I2. But I intend to use my I1, and enjoy the calm period that lies ahead of us (as far as firmwares and app versions concerns) for as long as possible.
Me too, won't buy the 2

I was discussing the 2 with the owner of the RC shop I'm customer of.

I said:"Let's see if it really speeds at 108 km/h...and if and when dji will slow it down..." :cool::cool::cool::cool:
Bleeding edge has remained beyond my grasp since the days of overclocking celerons to play doom. The I1 is both proven relatively reliable and capable with the x3 and a little post.(imho) So with an ample supply of popcorn and perhaps a few coins as well, I'll wait until the I2 is required for tasks the I1 can't perform.
For me, there is a huge difference, in terms of the end result: I can get RAW from Inspire and broadcast standard Prores codec. This is huge.

I can't get this from Phantom.
I was expecting click bait but the article made some good points. One of my biggest frustrations is the I2 will not accept the old X5 camera. That would soften the financial blow a little bit. Guess I'll stick with the I1 until the pricing gets better.
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Does anyone actually own an Inspire 2? I didn't think so. Funny how folks can be experts in something they have only read about.
Some people actually understand what they read about new technology and how to find trustworthy resources for information. Enough to make sound decisions.
Having one and finding out to pay for stuff I will never use doesn't cut it for me. I need to know before I buy one. The camera, now that's the whole thing. It will make me want/need to have one probably.
Not the copter. The I1 is as good as I need for flying.
I was also expecting click bait. lol. good points though. I actually had similar thoughts when trying to decide between P3 and i1.

Part of why I chose i1 actually WAS that it's more 'professional' looking. I started out with the P2V+ and I always felt funny with that little thing if the client was around.

Of course another reason was that the i1 is larger/heavier so not as affected by wind, and faster.

I really just don't see an advantage with the i2. I just hope they don't abandon the i1 platform and give us a new, better camera.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a 3rd party camera come out that you could replace the x3 with and mount it in the x3 stabilizer for under $800. I would jump all over that.
Some people actually understand what they read about new technology and how to find trustworthy resources for information. Enough to make sound decisions.
Having one and finding out to pay for stuff I will never use doesn't cut it for me. I need to know before I buy one. The camera, now that's the whole thing. It will make me want/need to have one probably.
Not the copter. The I1 is as good as I need for flying.
Ditto, except the want/need is already here for me. I'm drooling over the X5S
The original cameras, X3 and Z5, which i have 4 of in total, produce cracking images, yet will not fit the I2. Sorry, DJI, but why change the mount unless it was to generate more profit and make the older kit obsolete ?.
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The original cameras, X3 and Z5, which i have 4 of in total, produce cracking images, yet will not fit the I2. Sorry, DJI, but why change the mount unless it was to generate more profit and make the older kit obsolete ?.

Because the new cameras (and recording system) are light years ahead of the X3 and X5

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