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Inspire 2 vs P4P - Adjusting my fleet!

Thanks Clay. Sounds like you have a nice package ordered. Its true that none have left the factory (that we are aware of). Myself and another large dealer were both told that we were going to see shipping of these next week. That being said, we had been told the same thing a week prior as well. Our order is part of a very large order placed the morning of the product launch so we think we are getting some of the first ones to arrive in the US. They have been a little quiet on what accessories are going to ship. In prior launches batteries have been a little delayed so that might be the case this time as well. We are hoping they launch with some stock of everything as this machine is targeted to a user who needs most of the accessories to operate...I think we will know in a couple days.

Where are you located?

Thanks for the quick reply....
I'm located in Sonoma, Ca and have a FedEx acct. Just FYI I have in my fleet 6 P3pros (two dedicated ag surveyors with 720nm and GBiR, RGB interchangeable [with the same field of focus BTW] this is a proprietary mod that I have been looking for an outlet to sell.... ) two P4's as backups to my prime mover Inspire 1's (x2) and an S-900 with a GH-4. So, the I2 is a big deal for me to get up and running. I do a lot of TV, movie and "docus" that are needing the post quality of RAW and I knew the I2 was around the corner and didn't want to invest in an X5Raw. I always go into a shoot with two birds...two is one, one is none. I've never been the bottleneck on a production (though I know that my number WILL come up someday ;-)) and can't wait to get the I2 into the air for some possible BIG shoot this winter, both surfing and extreme skiing.
Lots of info to tell you....I'm super excited and need to get myself and my gimbal operator trained up and working....

You really have a great sounding fleet.

And the good news is that you will not need your FedEx account. We have arrangements with our importer that as soon as they clear customs and hit the warehouse we can drop ship to our clients waiting to get them. No sense sending them to us in FL just to turn around and send them back to you in CA (especially with the shipments arriving to the US in CA).

I'd love to hear more about your ag surveyor mods. I was just thinking out load with another forum member by chance yesterday about how difficult it might be to convert existing X3 cameras to something else. Are you familiar with the partnership (not sure if thats technically what it is) between DJI and Precision Hawk? I saw a golf course demo of their M100 ag package that essentially has 2 versions of the X3 camera - one multi spec and one RBG. They fly the route once with each camera for different outputs to the client. It was pretty decent - especially for the price point. Multiple options for data processing too.

Maybe we should take the conversion to a PM so we can talk more specifics without side tracking this conversation too much.


You really have a great sounding fleet.

And the good news is that you will not need your FedEx account. We have arrangements with our importer that as soon as they clear customs and hit the warehouse we can drop ship to our clients waiting to get them. No sense sending them to us in FL just to turn around and send them back to you in CA (especially with the shipments arriving to the US in CA).

I'd love to hear more about your ag surveyor mods. I was just thinking out load with another forum member by chance yesterday about how difficult it might be to convert existing X3 cameras to something else. Are you familiar with the partnership (not sure if thats technically what it is) between DJI and Precision Hawk? I saw a golf course demo of their M100 ag package that essentially has 2 versions of the X3 camera - one multi spec and one RBG. They fly the route once with each camera for different outputs to the client. It was pretty decent - especially for the price point. Multiple options for data processing too.

Maybe we should take the conversion to a PM so we can talk more specifics without side tracking this conversation too much.

Let's do just that I'm not a forum guy, so I don't know the PM of this system...,. I'll give you my generic email and it will bounce to me, then we can talk on [email protected]
Actually any compatible zoom lens on X5 camera will deliver poor-er quality images when compared with prime lenses. Forget about smooth zooming in video, no way. Bottom line: if still photography is your main goal, the Inspire 1 Pro with good set of lenses is hard to beat indeed. Video is another story ... Although the quality is acceptable to many YouTubers, most professional users complains about low bitrate and noticeable compression artifacts, particularly in 4K format. This issue is partially addressed with P4Pro, Inspire 1 RAW and Inspire 2 generation of drones. Therefore Inspire 1 RAW will provide the best of both worlds, considering relatively low cost when compared to a top-notch Inspire 2.

I wouldn't necessarily say the issues is addressed with the P4P - while a 100mbs is better it is nowhere near what you will shoot for production level 4k, those bit rates are at least 305mbs+. It is better though (and you did say partially addressed)
Just a quick comment about catching the Inspire 1 or 2 verses the Phantom. Yes, the Inspire is a lot more craft to grab, especially as a solo act...but we do it all the time. But one cannot take this act without precautions. Always grab it from above...not below! Bring the Inspire to a hover 2-3' above the ground or landing surface. DO NOT HAVE ON LOOSE CLOTHING such as a jacket that can swing into the props. Lean out over and grab the craft by the main housing from the top. With your other hand pull the motor stop lever to its position (or if two person/have the pilot kill the drone). First time may be intimidating. But catching from below I find much more dangerous, especially as a single operator. It is the only way a single operator can grab the drone in flight and shut off the motors. We do this all the time when the ground is dusty, loose gravel, over water or anytime landing where the ground surface is not a good option. Again, loose clothing is dangerous. My only close call came when my jacket was not zipped and it swung out into a prop for a fraction of a second. Fortunately, I pulled back and the Inspire never shifted position.
Just a quick comment about catching the Inspire 1 or 2 verses the Phantom. Yes, the Inspire is a lot more craft to grab, especially as a solo act...but we do it all the time. But one cannot take this act without precautions. Always grab it from above...not below! Bring the Inspire to a hover 2-3' above the ground or landing surface. DO NOT HAVE ON LOOSE CLOTHING such as a jacket that can swing into the props. Lean out over and grab the craft by the main housing from the top. With your other hand pull the motor stop lever to its position (or if two person/have the pilot kill the drone). First time may be intimidating. But catching from below I find much more dangerous, especially as a single operator. It is the only way a single operator can grab the drone in flight and shut off the motors. We do this all the time when the ground is dusty, loose gravel, over water or anytime landing where the ground surface is not a good option. Again, loose clothing is dangerous. My only close call came when my jacket was not zipped and it swung out into a prop for a fraction of a second. Fortunately, I pulled back and the Inspire never shifted position.
I think I'll have to disagree on this. Leaning over and grabbing the Inspire from above is extremely dangerous in my opinion, no matter how many times you have done it. I remember seeing a video a while back of a chopped forearm doing as you suggest. The chance of uncontrolled drifting, even slightly, with only one hand on the controller is an extremely high risk situation to be in. The fact is you are not in full control of the aircraft while it is still airborne.

I know you disagree, however...and that's OK.

PfCO Holder
BNUC-S Qualified
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The inspire 2 props are CF. can't imagine even thinking of grabbing from the top?!?!?
I've found hand catching the P4/mavic from behind/below with downward Vision positioning enabled is a problem. The bird senses your hand and wants to raise. Grabbing it quickly can also be dangerous if you bump the props. I found this out the hard way (slightly bruised index finger, no cut). [emoji15]
I had no issue hand catching the I1 from behind/below. But the I2 is quite a bit heavier, so don't know if this is a good idea for those locations with challenging terrain.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually any compatible zoom lens on X5 camera will deliver poor-er quality images when compared with prime lenses. Forget about smooth zooming in video, no way. Bottom line: if still photography is your main goal, the Inspire 1 Pro with good set of lenses is hard to beat indeed. Video is another story ... Although the quality is acceptable to many YouTubers, most professional users complains about low bitrate and noticeable compression artifacts, particularly in 4K format. This issue is partially addressed with P4Pro, Inspire 1 RAW and Inspire 2 generation of drones. Therefore Inspire 1 RAW will provide the best of both worlds, considering relatively low cost when compared to a top-notch Inspire 2.

How would the X5 video quality be with high focal length prime lenses? I'll be mostly doing inspection videos of roofs and towers and I'm thinking shooting in 4k isn't necessary. Do you think I can get away with just using high focal length prime lenses rather than a zoom for inspection type work?
I had the same dilemma as the OP and went with the P4P as a backup machine to my Inspire 1 Pro since I'm also a single operator and mostly do photo work. I've had the P4P for about a week. I was considering the Mavic as a backup drone but the sensor isn't up to my professional standards (still an excellent drone though).

I also completely agree that the P4P looks like a toy and for me, a guy who swore I'd never buy a Phantom, it's been a tough week of eating crow.

That all being said, the P4P is a very nice machine so far and I'm impressed with the photo and video quality. When I'm flying, I just look at the monitor and try to forget that I've got what has become the notorious icon for all things "bad drone". Maybe if business is really good this summer and I get more video work I'll move to the I2, but for now I own a Phantom even though I hate Phantoms.

- Matt the Phantom Hypocrite
Hi ther Matt how are you?
I have to do a photo shoot this week, i have Inspire 1 x5 and Phantom 4 PRO, i usually do video with my drones but they hire me for photos this time ...... Do you try both cameras? Wich one you think is better for Photos? Thanks

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