Thanks Clay. Sounds like you have a nice package ordered. Its true that none have left the factory (that we are aware of). Myself and another large dealer were both told that we were going to see shipping of these next week. That being said, we had been told the same thing a week prior as well. Our order is part of a very large order placed the morning of the product launch so we think we are getting some of the first ones to arrive in the US. They have been a little quiet on what accessories are going to ship. In prior launches batteries have been a little delayed so that might be the case this time as well. We are hoping they launch with some stock of everything as this machine is targeted to a user who needs most of the accessories to operate...I think we will know in a couple days.
Where are you located?
Thanks for the quick reply....
I'm located in Sonoma, Ca and have a FedEx acct. Just FYI I have in my fleet 6 P3pros (two dedicated ag surveyors with 720nm and GBiR, RGB interchangeable [with the same field of focus BTW] this is a proprietary mod that I have been looking for an outlet to sell.... ) two P4's as backups to my prime mover Inspire 1's (x2) and an S-900 with a GH-4. So, the I2 is a big deal for me to get up and running. I do a lot of TV, movie and "docus" that are needing the post quality of RAW and I knew the I2 was around the corner and didn't want to invest in an X5Raw. I always go into a shoot with two birds...two is one, one is none. I've never been the bottleneck on a production (though I know that my number WILL come up someday ;-)) and can't wait to get the I2 into the air for some possible BIG shoot this winter, both surfing and extreme skiing.
Lots of info to tell you....I'm super excited and need to get myself and my gimbal operator trained up and working....