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iOS Pilot App 1.2.0 Available on App Store

Have you seen this? Not working on mine. No more custom option to adjust the transmission range, but don't think that done anything since the last up date.
Does anyone have any idea what "Centre point reference for camera view" means?

Is this just for exposure control?
Has anyone heard anything about DJI buying "Litchi"?
It seems to be an android App which allows among other things GroundStation and POI.
This latest 1.2.0 App is littered with references to Litchi and GS which weren't in the previous App versions.
Hopefully the "Big" update is coming soon.
Latest version of iOS seems stable, no resetting of the iPad so far (unlike the previous version). However, no significant improvements in function so far as I can see. Not sure the "Centre Point Reference for Camera View" adds much.
DJI updates are the biggest joke of my 40yr rc career.
ridiculous comes to mind.
Im still waiting for the things they promised when I bought the I1, now it's just one clusterfuk after another, like I said, what a joke, they can barely keep this bird safely in the air.
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DJI updates are the biggest joke of my 40yr rc career.
ridiculous comes to mind.
Im still waiting for the things they promised when I bought the I1, now it's just one clusterfuk after another, like I said, what a joke, they can barely keep this bird safely in the air.
them you haven't been using a lot of devices that required updates.

in the pass i had mandatory updates that even said what they fixed
I hope it will get rip of the sudden disconnect and reconnect bug... this happen to me sometimes..

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