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Lens Distortion Correction in Premiere Pro

Mar 20, 2014
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Boston, MA
TIP: if using Adobe Premiere Pro and you want to correct the slight lens distortion with the Inspire 1 camera, you can use the Lens Correction video effect. Setting the "Curvature" setting to -6 or -7 works pretty well. It's not perfect since the Inspire 1 lens isn't perfectly curved all around, but it's pretty good.

Note: Adobe RAW 8.8 and 9 support the DJI Inspire 1 camera lens directly. You can use Photoshop or Lightroom to do the same with likely slightly better results, but to quickly knock off the obvious curvature in Premiere Pro, this is quick and painless.

Hey Damon,

I am trying to find this lens distortion removal for our inspire in premiere cc but there is no option. I see phantom and a bunch of go pro options but not for the inspire please help!
Normally the curvature is not enough to bother me, but that is a pretty nice subtle modification. I'll try that thanks!
TIP: if using Adobe Premiere Pro and you want to correct the slight lens distortion with the Inspire 1 camera, you can use the Lens Correction video effect. Setting the "Curvature" setting to -6 or -7 works pretty well. It's not perfect since the Inspire 1 lens isn't perfectly curved all around, but it's pretty good.

Note: Adobe RAW 8.8 and 9 support the DJI Inspire 1 camera lens directly. You can use Photoshop or Lightroom to do the same with likely slightly better results, but to quickly knock off the obvious curvature in Premiere Pro, this is quick and painless.

View attachment 1305

There was an Adobe Premiere update this week that makes it as easy as dropping the Inspire 1 Video Effect on the clip:


  • Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 9.06.26 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 9.06.26 PM.png
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I do wish video META data included the lens and lens settings the way image files do. The thing is not all the lenses you can use on the X5/X5R will have the same kinds and degree of distortion so no single set of corrects will fix all images/video the same. Having the META data so the software can make a programmed correction would be best. With Photoshop and Lightroom it knows what lens you used and what the appropriate corrections need to be for each lens and lens setting.


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