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More calibration questions......sorry but ???

May 14, 2015
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Sorry to start another thread delete/merge if you have to. Just didn't want this to get lost in the on-going LONG thread, and this might get The Editor's attention LOL


So last night I did it in that order, first IMU (indoors on level surface) I've never seen it do that before, either said not needed or 2-3 seconds done! It went through this whole thing, 5 mins or so.........

To be safe did it again (outdoors) same thing.....

Normal same as before, but before was 1470-1490. This time 1510-1530. Is that better or no worries just as long as close to 1500?

Never done it before, moved them sticks 'til I was blue in the face. NOTHING! still said 0%, gave up. Is that important?

Now if I may drift off topic a bit......I have a Parrot Bebop which also says to recalibrate at new locations, but their free flight app is no where near as sophisticated as the DJI app, can't check values or anything!

Thoughts on Bebop calibration???
Hey LockMD. ..
after you updated your firmware then you would calibrate your imu. .
Once you get a successful imu calibration leave it alone !!.
only time you want to calibrate your imu is after a firmware update or a heavy crash or when prompted to..
after all your updates you should calibrate your compass. .
when you get a good calibration leave it alone unless you travel far away or are prompted to by the app..
Around 1500 is the best compass value. .
Check to make sure your pointer in your radar points the same way as you and the i1 are facing. .
I'm not sure what your issue is with the sticks..
With the stick calibration I am guessing you didn't do the the gimbal tilt knob as well? I made the same mistake as well in my first attempt a while back. Hope that helps.

I did nothing with the gimbal, okay I'll have to look into it further. Thanks.
Sorry to start another thread delete/merge if you have to. Just didn't want this to get lost in the on-going LONG thread, and this might get The Editor's attention LOL


So last night I did it in that order, first IMU (indoors on level surface) I've never seen it do that before, either said not needed or 2-3 seconds done! It went through this whole thing, 5 mins or so.........

To be safe did it again (outdoors) same thing.....

Normal same as before, but before was 1470-1490. This time 1510-1530. Is that better or no worries just as long as close to 1500?

Never done it before, moved them sticks 'til I was blue in the face. NOTHING! still said 0%, gave up. Is that important?

Now if I may drift off topic a bit......I have a Parrot Bebop which also says to recalibrate at new locations, but their free flight app is no where near as sophisticated as the DJI app, can't check values or anything!

Thoughts on Bebop calibration???
I have woken from my slumber :)

Yes the IMU cal will take around 5 minutes to complete. It is best to do it immediately after turning the Inspire on before the flight controller has a chance to get warm etc.
Also, when it is running its calibration do not disturb it in ANY way - not even vibration etc (Hold your breath if you have to :p).
Once it has completed its IMU cal you should find your Gyro and Accelerometer mod values are spot on (0.00 and 0.99-1.01).

For your compass cal, as long as it is near the magic 1500 you will be fine. (I flew 4 packs today and my compass was around 1480-1525..... It will always fluctuate slightly)

Stick calibration must be done on all axis a few times AND the gimbal wheel from -100 to +100 a couple of times. Then release the sticks and wheel and all should show zero (mid position).

You're then all set :)
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Thanks for the reply and I also did some research (on this forum) and found for the stick calibration the bird should be left powered off. :)
Thanks for the reply and I also did some research (on this forum) and found for the stick calibration the bird should be left powered off. :)
YES!!!!!! Good point or you could give yourself a haircut with those blades :p (Actually there is a safeguard that warns you and won't let you enter stick calibration if the I1 is powered up)
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