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New Firmware

also, passports and bank account numbers are suppose to be semi publicly used documents, they are not meant to be kept secret.

very true, if somebody wanted that info they can get it

That's a little different than voluntarily handing out that kind of extremely sensitive info.
If guys feel uncomfortable about it then please leave them alone.
Telling them that someone can "get it" anyways surely isn't going to change their minds or make them feel any better about it.

(handing out that kind of sensitive info is the dominant reason why there are still "spots available"). ;)
That's a little different than voluntarily handing out that kind of extremely sensitive info.
If guys feel uncomfortable about it then please leave them alone.
Telling them that someone can "get it" anyways surely isn't going to change their minds or make them feel any better about it.

(handing out that kind of sensitive info is the dominant reason why there are still "spots available").

well to not keep the thread off topic :D i will not keep on going with this but calling a passport photo and account number sensitive if quite a stretch, in Europe legally that does not even qualifies for medium security.
I have re-read the info and can not find this video requirement. Where is it?

It is stated in your DJI Beta conditions/rules section. Each flight has to be recorded with the onboard camera, also with a third person view camera, featuring 720p. The videos have to be uploaded private on your youtube/vimeo/dropbox account, so DJI Beta Team can analyse your flights also from this point of view.

You can read this information on page nr 12 of this thread, someone uploaded screen shots with the original announcement made on DJI Global
by the way, is the AUTOFLIGHT BETA test programme connected with DJI BETA ? I received in the same time info from both programmes, and it seems you cannot use AUTOFLIGHT BETA without DJI BETA access, as you need to install the latest beta firmware provided by DJI...
by the way, is the AUTO-FLIGHT BETA test program connected with DJI BETA ? I received in the same time info from both programs, and it seems you cannot use AUTO-FLIGHT BETA without DJI BETA access, as you need to install the latest beta firmware provided by DJI...

I have been watching both forums pretty closely, If I had to guess I would say no.
Wow, I can't believe how long it's taking for the next fw update to come out. Given the history of this platform, I know it's a good thing as this release should be more stable than previous ones. I take it there will be a lot of new stuff in it.
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from the Facebook group

Dear DJI Developer,

We are excited to introduce a significant update to the Intelligent Navigation features in the new version of the DJI Mobile SDK and a new beta firmware. Key features such as Follow Me, Waypoint, Point of Interest, and IOC have received important enhancements – opening doors to even more developing possibilities!

The enhancements include:

1. Enhanced Waypoint Mission now includes advanced features such as curve-based turns, 3D waypoint support, speed control, and backtracking.

2. The Follow Me feature is taken to new heights by implementing configurable offsets and camera tracking angle functionality.

These improvements are the result of changes made to the existing Mobile SDK for the Inspire 1, Phantom 3 Professional and Phantom 3 Advanced. As a result, some apps built on the previous version may experience compatibility issues with the new firmware.
i think dji is using the sdk's to let the work be done for them and that is why they did not do it until now... if you look at the release dates for several sdk third party apps and the firmware etc they are coinsedently close to each other in regard to dji releasing and third party getting done with work dji should / could have done in first place...
i think dji is using the sdk's to let the work be done for them and that is why they did not do it until now... if you look at the release dates for several sdk third party apps and the firmware etc they are coinsedently close to each other in regard to dji releasing and third party getting done with work dji should / could have done in first place...
that is actually awesome, having a dedicated company working on those features is way better than waiting on dji, also being several of them around will make each product better and thus better customer support.
The only down side of this is with 3rd party software controlling your AC I can see them and DJI both saying it's not their fault something went wrong.

I'm still not sure I want to let some software have control of my Inspire and letting it do tricks midair and running it into a tree or building. It's one thing to have the flight controller doing the heavy lifting based on it's GPS, Compass, and IMU. It's something else all together to let software from the tablet tell the Inspire to do much much more complex automated tasks.

For example the follow me function. I can see this going wrong in so many ways. Sure, if you're in in completely open area, but I can see people doing this in an area with obstacles and taking out the Inspire with a power line or tree.

that is actually awesome, having a dedicated company working on those features is way better than waiting on dji, also being several of them around will make each product better and thus better customer support.
The only down side of this is with 3rd party software controlling your AC I can see them and DJI both saying it's not their fault something went wrong.

I'm still not sure I want to let some software have control of my Inspire and letting it do tricks midair and running it into a tree or building. It's one thing to have the flight controller doing the heavy lifting based on it's GPS, Compass, and IMU. It's something else all together to let software from the tablet tell the Inspire to do much much more complex automated tasks.

For example the follow me function. I can see this going wrong in so many ways. Sure, if you're in in completely open area, but I can see people doing this in an area with obstacles and taking out the Inspire with a power line or tree.

you think dji is going to pay your repair if you use their follow me and run it into a building? or do you do a bad waypoint plan and hit a mountain or tower?

DJI is nothing especial software wise, there are companies out there that are doing a much better job. also the sdk is not giving full control to third parties, the MC is still doing all the heavy lifting, the apps is just telling it go here or there same way you do with your controller, in missions its just telling it go to this gps coord and the MC its doing all the work.
No, I'm just saying the whole idea of releasing the control to 3rd parties opens more doors for people to make mistakes.

Take the fact that many people (me included) have posted that they have launched without checking MOD values and then don't understand why the AC seemed to lose control.

Not saying we shouldn't have it. Just that it adds one more thing that people have to understand before they use it.

One thing that would make me feel a lot better is if the AC had a way to avoid objects. I know that is a MUCH MUCH harder thing to do than just say it would be nice.

It's kind of like when I first got my Inspire and thought Wow I can fly this thing with the onboard camera. Yeah, that didn't last too long when I lost video signal several times and lost 100% faith that it would be safe to fly they way. I now only fly 100% line of sight. Too expensive of an AC to get it out of sight and lose it because I lost video signal.

you think dji is going to pay your repair if you use their follow me and run it into a building? or do you do a bad waypoint plan and hit a mountain or tower?
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No, I'm just saying the whole idea of releasing the control to 3rd parties opens more doors for people to make mistakes.

Take the fact that many people (me included) have posted that they have launched without checking MOD values and then don't understand why the AC seemed to lose control.

Not saying we shouldn't have it. Just that it adds one more thing that people have to understand before they use it.

One thing that would make me feel a lot better is if the AC had a way to avoid objects. I know that is a MUCH MUCH harder thing to do than just say it would be nice.

It's kind of like when I first got my Inspire and thought Wow I can fly this thing with the onboard camera. Yeah, that didn't last too long when I lost video signal several times and lost 100% faith that it would be safe to fly they way. I now only fly 100% line of sight. Too expensive of an AC to get it out of sight and lose it because I lost video signal.

I understand where your coming from, But when that happened to me. All I did was use return home and it came home even without the video working.
remember a few months back when DJI promised 3 months for waypoint/POI, etc? Or did they just say "real soon"..lol.
That was nice of them to promise that. So nice!;)

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