Hey guys,
( the NDL pretends having develloped a software which is capabale to overturn the limits determined by DJI thru the assistent and DJI Go and to adjust new parameters)
I thought it might be a good idea to check out the NLD . 24 $ is not that much but a little risc of bricking the bird remains. Ok, I decided to try . Everything seems to be working like discribed in the NLD manual, but flashing the firmware to the required one did not work out properly so I sent a mail.
In brief a playback of the correspondence:
I should send a screen from the error - so I did.
I was told to use the right DJI assistent ( what I did already)
So, again I sent appropriate sreens - the answer was again it should be a mistake of using the right assistent.
( there are basicly 2 of them, one is needed to run the NLD client, the other is the official 1.2.4 DJI assistent which shows the current firmware)
A screen recording of the entire processing was made and sent ( here in it started becomming absurd)
I didn`t have flashed the firmware properly what is easily proved by looking at the firmware which has a "-" at the end, furthermore this: you ( me) can see in your screen videos. ( absolutly nonsense, a "-" doesn`t exist) if it remains after flashing again I should contact DJI.....
Sending 3 times sreens of the pretended ( not existing) "-" ( I already felt beeing kidded)
In order to shorten up the hole thing I recieved a mail telling that the NLD firmware manager is beeing updated I should try again after this and sending sreens of possible errors.
Maybe one of you fellows might send a mail to NLD asking about the ominous "-" at the end of the displayed firmware in the DJI assitent.
I don`t know if the NLD is just a hoax . A does anyone in here has experience with NLD?
( the NDL pretends having develloped a software which is capabale to overturn the limits determined by DJI thru the assistent and DJI Go and to adjust new parameters)
I thought it might be a good idea to check out the NLD . 24 $ is not that much but a little risc of bricking the bird remains. Ok, I decided to try . Everything seems to be working like discribed in the NLD manual, but flashing the firmware to the required one did not work out properly so I sent a mail.
In brief a playback of the correspondence:
I should send a screen from the error - so I did.
I was told to use the right DJI assistent ( what I did already)
So, again I sent appropriate sreens - the answer was again it should be a mistake of using the right assistent.
( there are basicly 2 of them, one is needed to run the NLD client, the other is the official 1.2.4 DJI assistent which shows the current firmware)
A screen recording of the entire processing was made and sent ( here in it started becomming absurd)
I didn`t have flashed the firmware properly what is easily proved by looking at the firmware which has a "-" at the end, furthermore this: you ( me) can see in your screen videos. ( absolutly nonsense, a "-" doesn`t exist) if it remains after flashing again I should contact DJI.....
Sending 3 times sreens of the pretended ( not existing) "-" ( I already felt beeing kidded)
In order to shorten up the hole thing I recieved a mail telling that the NLD firmware manager is beeing updated I should try again after this and sending sreens of possible errors.
Maybe one of you fellows might send a mail to NLD asking about the ominous "-" at the end of the displayed firmware in the DJI assitent.
I don`t know if the NLD is just a hoax . A does anyone in here has experience with NLD?