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Screen Glitch in DJI Go App

Apr 19, 2016
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When dual operating Inspire 1 Pro, my video feed on the camera operator's control keeps freezing up, turning green, and glitching. The pilot's video feed is normal, the malfunction is only on the camera operator's controller. This has happened with 3 different iPad minis and 3 different Inspire aircraft. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
When dual operating Inspire 1 Pro, my video feed on the camera operator's control keeps freezing up, turning green, and glitching. The pilot's video feed is normal, the malfunction is only on the camera operator's controller. This has happened with 3 different iPad minis and 3 different Inspire aircraft. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
It's a known issue and has plagued the dual remote set ups since day one.
It's never been sorted successfully.
It is believed to be caused by the proximity of the 5.8ghz element to the 2.4ghz one within the modular antenna.
It's a case of live with it I'm afraid.
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Never tried it but thats probably going to be my next attempt, I'll let you know what my results are.
Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately I just found that Litchi doesn't support lens focus adjustment. For X5 and X5R cameras this is almost unusable.

PS: there's a new version from today which can handle focus with a long press on the screen. Will try that when have the time :)

"- for X5 cameras, focus is now done with a long press"
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