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Unbelievably upset!

Jan 5, 2015
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I received my inspire one yesterday and had an opportunity to fly it last evening and then again earlier today. First impressions were good. It felt much more well put together than the phantom I own from DJI. Controller felt much more substantial than the "toy" provided with the other quad I fly from the company.

Well not 24 hours later and here I am on hold with DJI. Cracked the damm camera right off the copters mount when the unit descended too quickly and slammed into the ground. The unit just dropped like a sack of potatoes from about 4-5 feet upon a return to home. Cracked 2 props and damaged a third and the gimbal is completely off the unit at its base.

I dont even want to hear from DJI or anyone else about " pilot error" I have flown everything under the sun in the rc world and an honestly just in shock right now.

FYI. Firmware was up to date. All systems were double checked prior to flight.

Still on hold.

I feel your pain.

F&*^#!!!!!!!!!!!! up for sure !!!!

Must have hit hard to disengage the camera off the mount.

I'm not even coming close to implying pilot error, but were you manually landing and it just started falling, or did it accelerate down with power?

Update: Just reread your post and you were in RTH. So the inspire just took it upon itself to drop or accelerate down. Scary that the mount would crack upon a fall from 4 to 5 feet. I've been posting all along that this thing is scary. Not something you want to lose control of.
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I received my inspire one yesterday and had an opportunity to fly it last evening and then again earlier today. First impressions were good. It felt much more well put together than the phantom I own from DJI. Controller felt much more substantial than the "toy" provided with the other quad I fly from the company.

Well not 24 hours later and here I am on hold with DJI. Cracked the damm camera right off the copters mount when the unit descended too quickly and slammed into the ground. The unit just dropped like a sack of potatoes from about 4-5 feet upon a return to home. Cracked 2 props and damaged a third and the gimbal is completely off the unit at its base.

I dont even want to hear from DJI or anyone else about " pilot error" I have flown everything under the sun in the rc world and an honestly just in shock right now.

FYI. Firmware was up to date. All systems were double checked prior to flight.

Still on hold.


You got your Inspire yesterday - so you updated to v1.2.0.14 firmware that addresses a compass issue (amongst other things) before you flew?
He had to update firmware to either 14. or the prior update, or otherwise, his Inspire would have remained locked.

In any event, after all the testing and product development, why would this happen. Compass issues right out of the box !!!!!!


We don't know what happened, but assuming what he says is true - he's got every right to be angry - firmware update or not.
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Wow..here we go again..i am really sorry and hope you get quick resolution from dji.
That is scary to say the least.
I would have guessed you did not do the compass dance correctly..but that does not seem to be the case.
Dji may have a bigger problem..gulp.
Don't tell me you're still on hold! Any news? I would think it may be more frustrating getting support with everyone at CES. Hope this has an acceptable ending.
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These very sad and obviously frustrating stories for these guys are coming way too fast and furious Does not bode well for this machine!
I bought the Inspire 1 because I believed it would be more reliable than the Phantom (flyaways). I'm hoping DJI can resolve any issues with this machine soon...
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Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I've had no issues to date. I flew 5 sorties today (the first two without the camera and gimbal) in 10 to 15 knot winds in an environment that never got a GPS lock with previous quads and checked all functions I could think of. It performed magnificently both in Vision Positioning and GPS modes, and made me almost regret the hours of training I put into mastering the Blade Nano QX, Phoenix RC 5 simulator, and Phantom 2 Vision +.

It is so much easier to fly than anything to date, that I worry a bit about its potential.
apologies on the delay on getting back to the thread. its been one of those days. Well dji's all new phone service for the inspire is a joke. I spoke with three different individuals each one giving me a different story and one actually saying something to the effect of " i was an inexperienced pilot and it was of course my fault this occurred." i was and am still livid. Eventually i was told i would get a call back from someone to set up a return for them to examine the unit and then decide what to do. If its a repair only they had no timeframe for how long it would take or cost to repair.If they found it wasnt my fault i would get a replacement but it would be febuary to march before they had these in stock for a replacement shipment. God knows who or when i will get this call as i have been waiting on it all afternoon. Another support tech went so far as to say that crashes were just a part of owning these and that its a cost of doing business. it was my 3rd flight ......... at this rate this thing will cost millions to operate.

as for the firmware it was up to date latest release from dji. plenty of satellites locked on. full systems go indicated by the lights on the unit. no interference as i was out in a country field with no power lines or cell towers for a good 5 miles out. i have flown my phantom out there along with 20-30 other aircraft and have never had anything like this happen. the inspire at about eye level of me just went down like a sack of potatoes.
ultra im happy your unit is performing well for you but just remember everything is good until it isnt. i hope you dont have to experience what i have had to go through today with my unit.
Feel for you Mountain..... My Inspire has been doing pretty good so far... I did notice that the controls are much more sensitive then the Phantom vision plus that I own. I am also an experienced Pilot but, I got her going a little to fast and scared my self a little.... It seems to be very aggressive in how it flies... I am just being extra extra cautious now! Good luck on the fix sir
I have not got mine yet, but I think I am going to fly it a few times without the camera attached. Just to get the feel for everything. I'm know iwont be immune to a bump or bruise, I might delay them a bit if I don't fly with the camera and gimbal installed from the get go.
[Quote = "mountainpilot, post: 2687, medlem: 17493"] med at jeg er av for natten. jeg kommer til å gå lese og få tankene bort dette rotet for nå. [/ quote]

Add a video from the accident. Did you have visual contact with inspirer1? The flight data can show whether you were in manual mode (: - Then it is easy for inexperienced pilots to make mistakes, some one does not master manual flight
[Quote = "hbmak, post: 2720, medlem: 7056"] Jeg har ikke fått min ennå, men jeg tror jeg kommer til å fly den et par ganger uten kamera festet. Bare for å få følelsen for alt. Jeg vet iwont være immun mot en bump eller blåmerke, jeg kan utsette dem litt hvis jeg ikke fly med kameraet og kardanen installert fra får gå. [/ Quote]

Is inspirer1 rock suitable to fly without camera attachment? think it must be connected !. I have not had any problems, but have flown a lot and master manual mode without aids. manual mode, I go over to if's it becomes much interference and poor gps, such as inside cities with tall buildings and mountains !. And when there is a new one must be humble and fly very careful near you and not loud.

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